ახალი სტატია მიხეილ მხედართმთავრისგან. ერთია რომ ეს ამხანაგი, ვერ ხვდება რომ ევრპოასაც და ამერიკასაც ფეხებზე ჰკიდიათ, განსაკუთრებით მაშინ როცა ვაზელინით უძვრები. სამწუხაროდ ამ ამხანაგს, თავი ჰოლანდიური არასამთავრობო ორგანიზაციის მენეჯერი ჰგონია, და ფიქრობს თუკი დონორებს გაცინებს ისენიც ერთი-ორ ღიმილს გამოუგზავნიან. იმას ვერ ხვდბა რომ ეს ნჯო კი არა ქვეყანაა By MIKHEIL SAAKASHVILI http://online.wsj.com/article/SB1000142405...2490533738.html Following President Obama's speech on our common mission in Afghanistan, NATO members and other countries pledged about 7,000 additional troops. My country committed just under 1,000, which makes Georgia the highest per-capita troop contributor to the war effort. Some might be surprised that a small country not yet in NATO—and partly occupied by more than 10,000 hostile Russian troops—would make this commitment to an Allied mission abroad. Let me explain why it makes perfect sense. As President Obama pointed out, the threat of violent extremism endangers all nations that subscribe to the principles of liberal democracy. Those principles made America the target on 9/11. Spain was hit on March 11, 2004, and Britain on July 7, 2005. Any of our countries could be next. We see ourselves as firmly allied with the values of the U.S. and the trans-Atlantic community. That is why we are sending serious forces—a heavy battalion and two light companies—with no restrictions on the kinds of missions and combat in which they can participate. Almost 800 will be deploying with the U.S. Marines into Helmand Province, where some of the most intense fighting has occurred. Georgia is making contributions in other ways. The U.S. and NATO have already started using Georgian ports, rail lines and roads to transport nonlethal supplies to Afghanistan. American military experts have concluded this is a safe and cost-saving transit route, and we stand ready to expand its use. Less than a decade ago, Georgia was considered by many to be a failing state. But with the support of our friends in the West, we were able to make dramatic changes. Our experience as a young democracy gives us confidence that success is possible on the political and civil fronts in Afghanistan, and we will do everything possible to help strengthen Afghanistan's institutions. Our reform know-how could help in training Afghanistan's police forces and other civil servants, an effort that is crucial to achieving long-term stability and a more transparent government. The test of the bonds among nations is not what we do when it is easy, but rather what we do when it is hard. Georgia has been grateful for the extent to which the U.S. and Europe have stood alongside us over recent years. Now we are proud to stand—and fight—alongside you.