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ყველა პოსტი Anituna

  1. me memberi var jeer Sheuracxyofas mayeneben
  2. Alucha madloba ro damicavi Tore meTqi ra xdebaaaa
  3. vaa chem ar yofnashi reebi momxdara dzmebooo gilocavT mglebo tak derjaaaaw
  4. http://i234.photobucket.com/albums/ee10/happy_mama03/funny/fat_ass.gif
  5. iooo http://i142.photobucket.com/albums/r118/MaxMax_06/Jared-Subway-sex-fat-woman.jpg
  6. me msuqani kacebis minda ar shegeshalos da qalebi ar shemomatyuo
  7. iooo :uh: http://geoklan.ucoz.com/news/2009-05-17-308 http://upimage.caucasus.net/images/p0yfl8jgvrf8pzoykvqf.jpg
  8. Anituna


    უძლიერესი ბრიტანული ჯგუფი!!! :rocker: :drumer: :love2: "My Sweet Prince" Never thought you'd make me perspire. Never thought I'd do you the same. Never thought I'd fill with desire. Never thought I'd feel so ashamed. Me and the dragon can chase all the pain away. So before I end my day, remember... My sweet prince, you are the one My sweet prince you are the one Never thought I'd have to retire Never thought I'd have to abstain Never thought all this could back fire Close up the hole in my vain Me and my valuable friend can fix all the pain away So before I end my day remember My sweet prince you are the one My sweet prince you are the one you are the one you are the one you are the one you are the one Never thought I'd get any higher Never thought you'd fuck with my brain Never thought all this could expire Never thought you'd go break the chain Me and you baby, still flush all the pain away So before I end my day remember My sweet prince you are the one My sweet prince you are the one you are the one you are the one you are the one you are the one you are the one you are the one you are the one you are the one My sweet prince My sweet prince
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