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ნანი,ეს ყველაფერი მე არ მაინტერესებს.მაინტერესებს აგვისტოს ომი და თუ მართლა ისე იყო,რომ მიშამ ომი არაფრის გულისთვის დაიწყო,მართლა ერთი ადგილით იქნება ჩამოსაკიდი.არა მარტო მიშა და როცა მაგას ჩამოკიდებენ,ერთს სამ მიშისტს მე ჩამოვკიდებ პირადი შეურაცხყოფისვთის.
სოციალურ ქსელებში გაზიარება

* News

* World news

* The US embassy cables


The US embassy cables

WikiLeaks cables: US view of Kim Jong-il, Putin, Sarkozy and Berlusconi


US embassy cables reveal Washington's view of world's leading statesmen in colourful, distinctly undiplomatic language



* Robert Booth

* guardian.co.uk, Sunday 28 November 2010 19.06 GMT

* Article history


President Dmitry Medvedev plays Robin to Prime Minister Vladimir Putin's Batman. President Dmitry Medvedev plays Robin to Prime Minister Vladimir Putin's Batman, according to one Moscow embassy dispatch. Photograph: Dmitry Astakhov/AFP/Getty Images


Washington's view of the world's leading statesmen emerges from the cables in a carnival of colourful and distinctly undiplomatic language.


In late 2008 the Moscow embassy wired back about the relationship between Russia's president, Dmitry Medvedev and the prime minister, Vladimir Putin, remarking that Medvedev, officially the senior partner, "plays Robin to Putin's Batman".


Kim Jong-il, the ailing dictator of North Korea fared no better, with diplomats quoting sources who described him variously as a "flabby old chap" and someone who had suffered "physical and psychological trauma" as a result of his stroke.


The Paris embassy remarked on the "thin-skinned and authoritarian personal style" of French President Nicholas Sarkozy after it reported his tendency to repeatedly rebuke his team and the French prime minister.


Italian prime minister Silvio Berlusconi was "feckless, vain, and ineffective as a modern European leader", according to Elizabeth Dibble, US charge d'affaires in Rome. Another report from Rome recorded the view that he was a "physically and politically weak" leader whose "frequent late nights and penchant for partying hard mean he does not get sufficient rest".


Key allies in the war on terror are not spared either. A dispatch from Kabul reports the view that the Afghan president, Hamid Karzai, is "an extremely weak man who did not listen to facts but was instead easily swayed by anyone who came to report even the most bizarre stories or plots against him".


In Yemen, the power base of al-Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula, President Ali Abdullah Saleh was "dismissive, bored and impatient", during a meeting with John Brennan, Barack Obama's deputy national security adviser.


Robert Mugabe, the president of Zimbabwe, is simply branded "the crazy old man" by Maite Nkoana-Mashabane, South Africa's international relations and cooperation minister, according to a cable from Pretoria, while Muammar Gaddafi, the Libyan leader, is "just strange" according to an adviser to Sultan Qaboos of Oman.


Israel's prime minister Binyamin Netanyahu is "elegant and charming" but never keeps his promises, according to a cable from Cairo recounting a meeting with President Hosni Mubarak, who added: "I have told him so personally".



:)) ჭორიკნები!

ეს მაგარი გასართობი იშოვა მსოფლიომ



ნანი,ეს ყველაფერი მე არ მაინტერესებს.მაინტერესებს აგვისტოს ომი და თუ მართლა ისე იყო,რომ მიშამ ომი არაფრის გულისთვის დაიწყო,მართლა ერთი ადგილით იქნება ჩამოსაკიდი.არა მარტო მიშა და როცა მაგას ჩამოკიდებენ,ერთს სამ მიშისტს მე ჩამოვკიდებ პირადი შეურაცხყოფისვთის.

250 000 დოკუმენტი უნდა გამოქვეყნდეს, ჯერ მოიცა

ვნახოთ რა იქნება

ერთი კი ფაქტია ამ კაცსს არ აცოცხლებენ ან რარაც დიდი თამაში წამოიწყეს ამერიკელებმა

თორე, ეგეთი "პრაკოლი" ჯერ არ უნახავს მსოფლიოს, რუსების ზაფხულის "შპიონსკი პრავალი" ყვავილია ამასტან შედარებით

სოციალურ ქსელებში გაზიარება


აჰმედინ ნეჯდადის ინნაუგურაციაზე წერია აქ

ვიცით როგორც გახდა პრეზიდენტი მაგრამ მაინც ვართ იძულებულნი ვაღიაროთ :user:

სოციალურ ქსელებში გაზიარება



აი აქ ნახეეეეე!


არ მაძლევს დაკოპირების საშუალებას!

დაიწყეს რუსებმა გადათარგმნა, არ ვიცი რამდენად სანდოა ოღონდ

სოციალურ ქსელებში გაზიარება

Как будет происходить публикация архивов


Согласно заявлению Викиликс, депеши американских посольств будут опубликованы не одновременно. По мнению активистов Викиликс, документов слишком много, они бросают свет на столько важных историй в таком количестве стран, что их публикация одним гигантским выбросом, как в прошлые разы, помешала бы их восприятию и осознанию. Поэтому архив будет открываться волнами на протяжении примерно полутора месяцев.


В прошлом Викиликс старался убрать имена людей, которые могли бы незаслуженно пострадать от разоблачений. Но на этот раз в новой публикации содержится много имен. Как поясняют активисты Викиликс, эти имена должны быть обнародованы – они не частные лица, а важные персоны, политики и дипломаты, бизнесмены и эксперты.


Чтобы материалы смогли дойти до заинтересованных читателей, публикации будут происходить согласованно с ведущими изданиями мира, основной партнер в России – «РР». Кроме этого, Викиликс привлек несколько независимых журналистов из разных стран – Англии и Америки, Швеции и России, Франции и Бразилии. Их публикации на сайте Викиликс будут дополнять газетные и журнальные публикации.


Вокруг утечки: почему и зачем


Госдепартамент США предупредил почти все правительства мира о будущей утечке, опасаясь скандалов. Хилари Клинтон лично встречалась с послами и главами государств, стараясь предварить готовящиеся разоблачения. Глава и основатель Викиликс Джулиан Эссендж скрылся от преследования и от ордера на севере Европы. Рядом с ним сейчас находится журналист Исраэль Шамир, благодаря его работе «РР» получает предварительные материалы незадолго до того, как они становятся доступными общественности. Эссендж так объясняет свои цели в связи с этой публикацией: «Скрытая дипломатия станет невозможной. Преступные замыслы и сговоры выплывут наружу. Мир вступит в новую полосу – полосу честности и открытости». Сама утечка произошла, как и прошлая, по всей видимости, из Пентагона, довольно много сотрудников военного ведомства США имели доступ к единой дипломатической базе данных.


Что именно взорвет мир


«РР» знакомится с материалами Викиликс с пятницы, преимущественно это материалы о России, Украине, Грузии, Азербайджане и некоторых других странах. Набольшие скандалы и политические последствия могут вызвать следующие типы данных:


Методы работы американской дипломатии и степень ее влияния в мире




- Немалое возмущение, вероятно, вызовет депеша госдепа, требующая достать все данные, касающиеся руководство секретариата ООН, включая генерального секретаря, а именно: биометрию, отпечатки пальцев, образчики ДНК, номера кредитных карт и банковских счетов, пароли, электронную почту, чаты и т.д.


- Перед выступлением президента Ирана Ахмадинеджада на Генеральной Ассамблее ООН госдеп послал директиву всем европейским странам, указывая им, когда их представители должны покинуть зал. В директиве подробно расписано, какие именно слова или темы в речи иранского президента должны послужить к сигналу ухода той или иной страны. Инструкция была выполнена. Но не обошлось без курьеза: шведский делегат должен был по инструкции выйти из зала, когда Ахмадинеджад упомянет Холокост. Но Ахмадинеджад так и не упомянул Холокост. Представители других европейских стран вышли, а швед так и остался в зале, посылая сигналы тревоги и запрашивая дополнительные инструкции у своего американского наставника: что делать?


- В депешах описываются встречи посла со шведскими политиками, которые обещают исполнить американские инструкции. Например, США требовали от шведов усилить слежку за шведскими гражданами и передавать им требуемые данные. Американский посол предлагал сделать это официально. Проамериканский шведский политик возразил: мы уже передаем вам куда больше информации, чем смогли бы это сделать официально в рамках закона. Мы лучше продолжим наше неофициальное сотрудничество.


- в 2005 году американский посол в Таджикистане сообщает в госдеп: «президент Рахмонов может быть беспощадным к своим противникам, но некоторые противники действительно опасны. Так, бывший глава наркоконтроля Мирзоев мог угрожать власти Рахмонова. Соединенные Штаты призвали Рахмонова сместить Мирзоева, и он выполнил это пожелание».


Квалификация американских дипломатов и источники информации




- Американский посол в России, похоже, слишком доверяет своим источникам, информированность которых даже у хорошего журналиста вызвала бы сомнения, вниманием, пользуются например депутаты от КПРФ, рассуждающие о будущем тандема, одни и те же эксперты из года в год «клевещут» на правящий режим.


- Имеется специфическая тенденциозность, если тезис изначально кажется послу верным, например, о слабости Медведева. Он, например, в навале Осетинского конфликта ссылается на два анекдотических свидетельства источников о том, что Путин был крайне недоволен поведением Медведева в начале конфликта.


- Но подчас получаются точные выводы. Хотя Лужков утратил свое место лишь недавно, уже в феврале американское посольство послало отчет, реалистически описывающий высокую вероятность смещения мэра Москвы. Причиной отставки по мнению посла является связь Лужкова с московским криминалом, причем эти связи подробно описаны.


- Посол в Грузии в момент начала Джон Тефт Осетинской войны обычно довольно точен, но все же путает осетинские и грузинские села, подвергнутые обстрелу, неверно интерпретируя информацию.


Разоблачающие очерки о политиках и бизнесменах




- Отчет о приватной беседе сотрудника посольства с крупным российским бизнесменом Германом Ханом, о котором говорится, что он пришел на встречу с американским дипломатом не только с любовницей (при том, что он женат), но и с шестью проститутками, при нем был никелированный пистолет, и он рассуждал о том, что «Крестный отец» его любимый фильм. Непонятно, то ли это театр специально для американца, то ли и вправду Хан такой оригинальный.


- В очерках об Игоре Сечине или Владиславе Суркове есть что-то похожее на «компромат», но источники вряд ли всерьез сведущие. Зато есть много милых деталей. Один из источников посла сообщает, характеризуя широту взглядов Суркова, что тот попросил привезти из Нью-Йорка несколько рэперских альбомов.


- Очень информативный очерк о азербайджанских кланах и олигархах, семьях Пашаева и Гейдарова и их коррупционных схемах.


Скандальные репортажи с мест




- В базе есть отчеты американского посольства о своих поездках в Рязань, Киров или Нижний, о протестах митингах, предвыборных конфликтах. Посла интересует степень стабильности режима, компрометирующие власти сведения, оппозиционные и протестные настроения. И одной из депеш мы узнаем, что сотрудники одного из «либеральных» губернаторов, якобы, собирались фальсифицировать результаты выборов, и даже зачем-то поделились своими планами с американцами.


Война в Осетии




- 7 августа, до начала активной фазы войны посол США в Грузии Джон Тефт сообщает в Вашингтон, что грузинские войска, в том числе с орудиями типа «Град» движутся в сторону Осетии.


- Тем не менее, после начала войны Тефт пишет в Госдеп, что необходимо подготовить согласованную позицию о том, как отвечать тем, кто не уверен «в абсолютной невиновности Грузии».


- Интересен секретный отчет о выступлении польского генерала Гагора, который признал, что Саакашвили начал войну, и высокого оценивал боеспособность российских войск.


- Вообще, чтение отчетов американских послов в Грузи, НАТО, Евросоюзе и Москве производит впечатление, что ни у кого в мире не было иллюзий в том, что Саакашвили начал войну, в том числе и Польше и Прибалтике, хотя официальная риторика расходилась с этим пониманием.


- В НАТО не удалось достичь антироссийского консенсуса благодаря Германии и нескольким странам, которые присоединились к германской острожной позиции.


- Саркози во время переговоров, оказывается, хватал министра Лаврова за грудки и обзывал лжецом (посол США ссылается на французских коллег, участников переговоров).




- Секретные файлы американского посольства раскрывают закулисную сторону оранжевой эпохи на Украине. В частности, оранжевый глава МВД Юрий Луценко, бравируя, рассказал послу США на Украине, что получил приказ от генпрокурора арестовать соратников Тимошенко Александра Турчинова и Андрея Кожемякина за то, что они уничтожили документы СБУ, в которых говорилось о связи Тимошенко с криминальным бизнесменом Семеном Могилевичем. Луценко приказ назвал приказ генпрокурора Медведько сумасшедшим, и, естественно его не выполнил. Интересны не только нравы, но и степень вовлеченности посла во внутренние дела Украины.


Что говорят у политиков за спиной


- Больше всего скандалов в результате публикации всей базы документов будет следствием того, что политики узнают, что именно их коллеги и партнеры говорят о них за спиной. Эффект усилится еще тем, что говорилось это американским представителям. Например, президент Азербайджана не только высказывает опасения по поводу «имперских амбиций России» в феврале этого года, но и не вполне цензурно описывает свои представлении о российском тандеме, с использованием, скабрезной по мнению посла, азербайджанской поговорки, которая в перевод на английский звучит так YOU CAN'T BOIL TWO HEADS IN ONE POT (нельзя варить две «головы» в одном казане) Источники поменьше рангом тоже весьма откровенны и не стесняются в выражениях.


Подробнее читайте в ближайшем номере «Русского репортера»


აჰა! დავაკოპირე

სოციალურ ქსელებში გაზიარება

- 7 августа, до начала активной фазы войны посол США в Грузии Джон Тефт сообщает в Вашингтон, что грузинские войска, в том числе с орудиями типа «Град» движутся в сторону Осетии.


- Тем не менее, после начала войны Тефт пишет в Госдеп, что необходимо подготовить согласованную позицию о том, как отвечать тем, кто не уверен «в абсолютной невиновности Грузии».


- Интересен секретный отчет о выступлении польского генерала Гагора, который признал, что Саакашвили начал войну, и высокого оценивал боеспособность российских войск.


- Вообще, чтение отчетов американских послов в Грузи, НАТО, Евросоюзе и Москве производит впечатление, что ни у кого в мире не было иллюзий в том, что Саакашвили начал войну, в том числе и Польше и Прибалтике, хотя официальная риторика расходилась с этим пониманием




სოციალურ ქსელებში გაზიარება

იქვე წერია უფრო დაწვრილებით ინგლისურად



Edited by Marta1
სოციალურ ქსელებში გაზიარება



აგერ არის ჩვენზე მთლიანად ამოკრეფილი


Материалы Wikileaks. Часть 2

Ссылка на статью: http://www.rusrep.ru/article/2010/11/29/wikileaks_docs_02


Некоторые из секретных документов, оказавшихся в распоряжении "Русского репортера"



Война в Грузии / War in Georgia


C O N F I D E N T I A L SECTION 01 OF 02 TBILISI 001336 SIPDIS DEPT FOR EUR/CARC E.O. 12958: DECL: 08/07/2018 TAGS: PGOV, PREL, RU, GG SUBJECT: SITREP 1: FIGHTING IN SOUTH OSSETIA ESCALATES Classified By: AMBASSADOR JOHN F. TEFFT FOR REASONS 1.4 (B) AND (D). 1. © Begin Summary: Intense fighting began in South Ossetia the evening of August 6 and continued into the daylight hours August 7. Intense fighting broke out west of Tskhinvali at approximiately 1800 in Avnevi and Nuli and continued until 2100, when explosions were noted northeast of Tskhinvali in Dmenisi and Sarabuki. By 0600 August 7, firefighting continued to the southwest in and around Erevneti. At 1600 local time, Deputy FM Grigory Vashadze called the Ambassador to report that a full-scale South Ossetian attack against a Georgian village was underway, resulting in the death of one Georgian peacekeeper and injuries to several others. There were reports of light arms fire, RPGs, and use of heavy artillery fire August 6-7, but the latter cannot be confirmed. Local Georgian authorities assisted by a JPFK escort evacuated approximately 40 children and women from Nuli after daybreak on August 7. Georgian authorities report that the South Ossetians are moving heavy military equipment from a base in J ava, located north of the conflict zone. OSCE observers indicated that Georgian forces along with GRAD artillery are on the move, either as part of a show of force or readiness, or both. 2. © Deputy Defense Minister Kutelia said that Georgian military troops are not massing in response to overnight's events and are taking great pains to respond proportionately. Minister of Foreign Affairs Eka Tkeshelashvili said that a proposed meeting between the State Minister for Re-integration Yakobashvili and de facto Representative Chochiev did not take place, and opined that de facto South Ossetian President Kokoity had blocked the meeting. However, OSCE reported that late in the day August 7, Yakobashvili was in the Russian peacekeepers compound in Tskhinvali meeting with Russian Envoy Yuri Popov along with the OSCE representative. Ambassador urged the Foreign Minister and the Deputy Minister of Defense to remain calm, not overreact, and to de-escalate the situation. 3. © Comment. The fighting which began well before dusk on August 6 and which continued into the early daylight hours of August 7, is atypical, given that these events usually end by daybreak. From evidence available to us it appears the South Ossetians started today's fighting. The Georgians are now reacting by calling up more forces and assessing their next move. It is unclear to the Georgians, and to us, what the Russian angle is and whether they are supporting the South Ossetians or actively trying to help control the situation. The Embassy is reviewing security procedures and will hold an EAC on August 8. End Summary and Comment. Official Response ------------------ 4. © In an August 7 meeting with the FM, the Ambassador urged the Georgians not to overreact to the situation and to restore calm to the region. The FM said that Kokoity blocked the proposed meeting between Yakobashvili and Chochiev and noted that the South Ossetians had instigated the August 6 attack. Ruslan Abashidze, Georgian Ministry for Reintegration, told Poloff that three Georgian peacekeepers had been injured in Wednesday evening's firefights and had been evacuated to the Gori military medical facility, where President Saakashvili will visit them. When the fighting escalated later on August 7, Deputy FM Vashadze told the Ambassador that one Georgian peacekeeper had been killed and several wounded. Vashadze said that heavy Russian equipment was being moved south from Java - a military base north of the conflict zone , which Georgians have not seen -- even in tense times -- in the past. According to Abashidze, Ossetians are shelling Georgian villages, and the village of Dmenisi has sustained significant damage. 5. © Deputy Minister of Defense Batu Kutelia told Ambassador at mid-day August 7 that Georgian military troops are on higher alert, but will not be deploying in response to Wednesday's events. According to the Embassy DATT, fourth brigade personnel were noticeably absent from training August 7, and those attending a UAV military training class had been called away as well. Kutelia said that the South Ossetians are targeting peacekeepers versus Ministry of Internal Affairs Troops. Embassy observers on the highway noted approximately 30 yellow city buses, the usual mode of transport for moving Ministry of Interior forces, carrying uniformed men heading north from Tbilisi. OSCE Military Observers ----------------------- 6. © OSCE Military observers told Poloff that Georgian TBILISI 00001336 002 OF 002 troops were on the move on the M-27 from east to west and west to east, in the direction of Gori. OSCE observers on the ground noted a column of 26 yellow city buses, carrying uniformed men, escorted by military vehicles moving to the north of Gori. There are numerous reports that the Georgians are moving military equipment and forces toward the north, but many cannot yet be confirmed. Initial impressions are that the Georgians are deploying troops to positions in Georgian territory to the south of the Zone of Conflict and were in a heightened state of readiness in order to show their resolve to respond to further attacks. TEFFT



C O N F I D E N T I A L SECTION 01 OF 02 TBILISI 001337 SIPDIS DEPT FOR EUR/CARC E.O. 12958: DECL: 08/07/2018 TAGS: PGOV, PREL, RU, GG SUBJECT: SITREP 1: FIGHTING IN SOUTH OSSETIA ESCALATES Classified By: AMBASSADOR JOHN F. TEFFT FOR REASONS 1.4 (B) AND (D). 1. © Begin Summary: Intense fighting began in South Ossetia the evening of August 6 and continued into the daylight hours August 7. Intense fighting broke out west of Tskhinvali at approximiately 1800 in Avnevi and Nuli and continued until 2100, when explosions were noted northeast of Tskhinvali in Dmenisi and Sarabuki. By 0600 August 7, firefighting continued to the southwest in and around Erevneti. At 1600 local time, Deputy FM Grigory Vashadze called the Ambassador to report that a full-scale South Ossetian attack against a Georgian village was underway, resulting in the death of one Georgian peacekeeper and injuries to several others. There were reports of light arms fire, RPGs, and use of heavy artillery fire August 6-7, but the latter cannot be confirmed. Local Georgian authorities assisted by a JPFK escort evacuated approximately 40 children and women from Nuli after daybreak on August 7. Georgian authorities report that the South Ossetians are moving heavy military equipment from a base in J ava, located north of the conflict zone. OSCE observers indicated that Georgian forces along with GRAD artillery are on the move, either as part of a show of force or readiness, or both. 2. © Deputy Defense Minister Kutelia said that Georgian military troops are not massing in response to overnight's events and are taking great pains to respond proportionately. Minister of Foreign Affairs Eka Tkeshelashvili said that a proposed meeting between the State Minister for Re-integration Yakobashvili and de facto Representative Chochiev did not take place, and opined that de facto South Ossetian President Kokoity had blocked the meeting. However, OSCE reported that late in the day August 7, Yakobashvili was in the Russian peacekeepers compound in Tskhinvali meeting with Russian Envoy Yuri Popov along with the OSCE representative. Ambassador urged the Foreign Minister and the Deputy Minister of Defense to remain calm, not overreact, and to de-escalate the situation. 3. © Comment. The fighting which began well before dusk on August 6 and which continued into the early daylight hours of August 7, is atypical, given that these events usually end by daybreak. From evidence available to us it appears the South Ossetians started today's fighting. The Georgians are now reacting by calling up more forces and assessing their next move. It is unclear to the Georgians, and to us, what the Russian angle is and whether they are supporting the South Ossetians or actively trying to help control the situation. The Embassy is reviewing security procedures and will hold an EAC on August 8. End Summary and Comment. Official Response ------------------ 4. © In an August 7 meeting with the FM, the Ambassador urged the Georgians not to overreact to the situation and to restore calm to the region. The FM said that Kokoity blocked the proposed meeting between Yakobashvili and Chochiev and noted that the South Ossetians had instigated the August 6 attack. Ruslan Abashidze, Georgian Ministry for Reintegration, told Poloff that three Georgian peacekeepers had been injured in Wednesday evening's firefights and had been evacuated to the Gori military medical facility, where President Saakashvili will visit them. When the fighting escalated later on August 7, Deputy FM Vashadze told the Ambassador that one Georgian peacekeeper had been killed and several wounded. Vashadze said that heavy Russian equipment was being moved south from Java - a military base north of the conflict zone , which Georgians have not seen -- even in tense times -- in the past. According to Abashidze, Ossetians are shelling Georgian villages, and the village of Dmenisi has sustained significant damage. 5. © Deputy Minister of Defense Batu Kutelia told Ambassador at mid-day August 7 that Georgian military troops are on higher alert, but will not be deploying in response to Wednesday's events. According to the Embassy DATT, fourth brigade personnel were noticeably absent from training August 7, and those attending a UAV military training class had been called away as well. Kutelia said that the South Ossetians are targeting peacekeepers versus Ministry of Internal Affairs Troops. Embassy observers on the highway noted approximately 30 yellow city buses, the usual mode of transport for moving Ministry of Interior forces, carrying uniformed men heading north from Tbilisi. OSCE Military Observers ----------------------- 6. © OSCE Military observers told Poloff that Georgian TBILISI 00001337 002 OF 002 troops were on the move on the M-27 from east to west and west to east, in the direction of Gori. OSCE observers on the ground noted a column of 26 yellow city buses, carrying uniformed men, escorted by military vehicles moving to the north of Gori. There are numerous reports that the Georgians are moving military equipment and forces toward the north, but many cannot yet be confirmed. Initial impressions are that the Georgians are deploying troops to positions in Georgian territory to the south of the Zone of Conflict and were in a heightened state of readiness in order to show their resolve to respond to further attacks. TEFFT



C O N F I D E N T I A L SECTION 01 OF 02 TBILISI 001341 SIPDIS DEPT FOR EUR/CARC E.O. 12958: DECL: 08/08/2018 TAGS: PGOV, PREL, RU, GG SUBJECT: GEORGIA: SOUTH OSSETIA SITREP 2: GEORGIA CLAIMS TO CONTROL MUCH OF SOUTH OSSETIA, FIGHTING CONTINUES REF: TBILISI 1337 Classified By: AMBASSADOR JOHN F. TEFFT FOR REASONS 1.4 (B) AND (D) 1. © Summary: President Saakashvili in an August 8 conversation with the Ambassador, and Foreign Minister Eka Tkeshelashvili in a briefing to the diplomatic corps, claimed that Georgia now controlled most of South Ossetia, including Tskhinvali, although fighting was continuing near the northern town of Dzhava. They also reported that Russian aircraft had dropped bombs on several targets in Georgia, outside of the conflict zone, at two locations in the center of Gori and dropped ordnance on a radar installation near Gori and a police station in Kareli. There are uncofirmed Georgian claims that they downed a Russian aircraft; in a statement, the Russian MFA denied this. Fighting had continued throughout the night of August 7, resuming four hours after President Saakashvili unilaterally declared a cease-fire at 1900. In a second address August 8, he called on the international community to help repel this "open Russian aggression" and announced a general mobilization of reserves. Meanwhile, Russian statements have accused the Georgians of targeting Russian peacekeepers; the Georgians argue that the South Ossetians are firing on the Russian peacekeepers as a provocation. The Georgians have announced that a safe corridor and ceasefire will be established from 3 to 6 pm local time for all civilians interested in leaving Tskhinvali to do so. During the night of August 8, four short range ballistic missiles were fired from within Russia toward Tskhinvali. 2. © We understand that at this point the Georgians control 75 percent of Tskhinvali and 11 villages around it. Journalists report that Georgian forces are moving toward the Roki tunnel. That road has been cratered by Georgian aircraft to make it difficult. We are told fighting continues with Russian fighters north of Tskhinvali; it is not clear if they are regular army or North Caucasian irregulars. Saakashvili has said that Georgia had no intention of getting into this fight, but was provoked by the South Ossetians and had to respond to protect Georgian citizens and territory. Meanwhile, the Georgian National Security Council (NSC) has formally requested 1,000 of its combat troops in Iraq be returned to Georgia within 72 hours. End Summary. 3. © Comment: All the evidence available to the country team supports Saakashvili's statement that this fight was not Georgia's original intention. Key Georgian officials who would have had responsibility for an attack on South Ossetia have been on leave, and the Georgians only began mobilizing August 7 once the attack was well underway. As late as 2230 last night Georgian MOD and MFA officials were still hopeful that the unilateral cease-fire announced by President Saakashvili would hold. Only when the South Ossetians opened up with artillery on Georgian villages, did the offensive to take Tskhinvali begin. Post has eyes on the ground at the Ministry of Interior command post in Tbilisi and will continue to provide updates. The Embassy held an EAC and will hold another to reasses the situation by COB. We have issued a warden message and are looking at the situation very carefully. If the Georgians are right, and the fighting is mainly over, the real unknown is what the Russian role will be and whether there is potential for the conflict to expand. End comment. Current Situation ----------------- 4. © Saakashvili, who told the Ambassador that he was in Gori when a Russian bomb fell in the city center, confirmed that the Georgians had not decided to move ahead until the shelling intensified and the Russians were seen to be amassing forces on the northern side of the Roki Tunnel. He said that the Georgian military action had been successful, Tskhinvali was mainly under Georgian control and that reservists would be brought in to defend the city while armed forces were moved further north to continue the fighting. According to Saakashvili, the EU was sending in Carl Bildt and the Lithuanian Foreign Minister to Tbilisi. Although most in the Georgian government believed that the fighting had started as a ploy of de facto leader Kokoity, Saakashvili was now concerned that this might have been a Russian pretext and a further attack could be expected. The Foreign Minister briefed the diplomatic corps on the situation, noting that "all red lines had been crossed," but expressing hope that negotiations could take place and noting that a full amnesty would be offered to anyone involved in the fighting. She called on the international community to put pressure on the Russian Government to take no action. TBILISI 00001341 002 OF 002 5. © The battle in South Ossetia took place throughout the night of August 7. During the night, four short range ballistic missiles were fired from within Russia toward Tskhinvali. On August 8, Russian aircraft flew into Georgian airspace in central Georgia and dropped ordnance on a radar installation near Gori and a police station in Kareli. Post understands that at this point the Georgians control 75 percent of Tskhinvali and 11 villages around it. Journalists report that Georgian forces are moving toward the Roki tunnel. That road has been cratered by Georgian aircraft to make it difficult to navigate with vehicles. We are told fighting continues with Russian fighters north of Tskhinvali. It is not clear if they are regular army or North Caucasian irregulars, as an MOIA spokesman said that approximately 1500 uniformed, unidentified forces with tanks and artillery entered South Ossetia via the Roki tunnel on August 8 at 0200. Reports indicate many casualties, but none are reliably accurate. State Minister of Conflict Settlement and Reintegration Temuri Yakobashvili said again on August 8 that Georgia will grant amnesty to all Ossetian fighters. Chronology of Events -------------------- 6. © On August 7 at 1925 Yakobashvili returned from the conflict zone and the Ambassador that the South Ossetians continued to shoot at the Georgian villages despite the announcement of the cease-fire. Yakobashvili said that he waited with General Kulakhmetov, the Head of the Russian peacekeepers in Tskhinvali for some time for the South Ossetians to show up. Kulakhmetov tried to call Chochiev, and other South Ossetians to get them together with Yakobashvili, but they did not respond. Kulakhmetov said, he "does not control anything" and that the South Ossetians were "shooting at the Georgians behind my back." Yakobashvili said that the Russians originally agreed to host a bilateral meeting with the Ossetians and the Georgians outside the JCC. Popov came to Georgia for this purpose and announced publicly it was his intention to do so. Then, the Russians flipped and said the meeting should be under the JCC. Yakobashvili said it was the JCC system that had caused the mess and it was time for real face to face talks. 7. © OSCE observers on the ground in Tskhinvali told Poloff that Georgia's attack on Tskhinvali began at 2335 on August 7 despite the cease-fire declared at 1900. The shelling intensified at 2345, with the Georgians possibly using large caliber mortars and GRAD artillery, with impacts every 15-20 seconds, and the South Ossetians returning fire. By observers' calculations, by 0035 there were at least 100 hits on the city of Tskhinvali, some of them damaging the OSCE field office there. Currently, the OSCE has electricity, but part of the building has sustained damage and the internet is down. There was a lull in the activity between 0145 and 0415, when the situation began to re-intensify, and by 0615 loud explosions could be heard. The number of casualties are unknown as emergency services are unable to move freely on the ground due to firing. Most local residents are confined to cellars and basements waiting for calm to return. 8. © At approximately 0400 on August 8, the Georgian National Security Council asked the U.S. for the return of 1,000 of its troops from Iraq, 500 within the next 24 hours, and the remainder within 48 hours. A regularly scheduled rotator flight may return up to 250 troops to Georgia by this afternoon. (Note: USG agreement with the GOG provides for emergency return of 1,000 troops within 96 hours. End note.) Later, Saakashvili announced a general mobilization of all reserves. In a second address, he called Russia's actions "open aggression" and called on the international community to help repel it. 9. © Conversely, the Russians have said they believe Georgian forces are targeting Russian peacekeepers. They have told the Georgians that in view of these attacks Georgia bears responsibility for anything that might follow. The Georgians have replied that they are avoiding any conflict with the peacekeepers as well as civilians. The Georgians believe the South Ossetians are targeting the Russians to provoke a bigger Georgian-Russian conflict. 10. © The South Ossetians are reportedly now accusing the Russians of betraying them. One plausible explanation for all this is that de facto leader Kokoity decided to roll the dice and stimulate a conflict with the Georgians in hopes of bringing in the Russians and thereby saving himself or enhancing his position. Reports that Kokoity has left Tskhinvali remain unconfirmed. TEFFT



UNCLAS USNATO 000274 SIPDIS E.O. 12958: N/A TAGS: PREL, MARR, NATO, MOPS, GG, RU SUBJECT: NATO PRESS STATEMENT ON EVENTS IN SOUTH OSSETIA 1. NATO Secretary General Jaap de Hoop Scheffer released a statement on developments in South Ossetia early August 8. Text of the statement follows: "The NATO Secretary General, Jaap de Hoop Scheffer, is seriously concerned about the events that are taking place in the Georgian region of South Ossetia and said that the Alliance is closely following the situation. The Secretary General calls on all sides for an immediate end of the armed clashes and direct talks between the parties." End text of statement. 2. The SYG also approved contingency guidance for NATO staff to use when fielding calls from the press: -- If asked: Is the NATO Secretary General in contact with the Georgian side? Yesterday the SecGen spoke to the Georgian President and both discussed the tensions in the area. They called on all parties to exert restraint and engage in direct talks between the parties. The SecGen will be in touch again with the Georgia President again today and they will call for all parties to end the violence. -- If asked: Will the NAC visit to Georgia take place? The NAC had previously decided to visit Georgia in September. The dates have not been set. At the moment our focus is on the current situation. -- If asked: Russian air strikes? Does NATO have information on the Russian incursion? We have heard these reports, but have no further or final information beyond that. We urge all sides to refrain from military action. WEINROD



UNCLAS USNATO 000275 SENSITIVE SIPDIS E.O. 12958: N/A TAGS: MOPS, NATO, PREL, GG, RS SUBJECT: GEORGIAN NATO MISSION STATEMENT ON SITUATION IN SOUTH OSSETIA 1. (SBU) On August 8, the Georgian Mission to NATO distributed the following statement to Allies: Statement of the Government of Georgia regarding the situation in the South Ossetia region of Georgia Over the last several hours, separatist rebels in South Ossetia have undertaken a series of military attacks against unarmed civilians and peacekeeping forces in several villages near Tskhinvali. Their actions constitute an extreme escalation of an already dangerous situation. These latest attacks took place after President Mikheil Saakashvili announced a unilateral ceasefire by Georgia and appealed for peace talks. The separatist rebels, in defiance of this call, subsequently attacked several villages near Tskinvali. On August 7, at 22:30 local time, they attacked the village of Prisi, which was followed one hour later by an attack on the village of Tamarasheni. Civilians and peacekeepers came under massive shelling. The attacks resulted in several dead and wounded. According to available data, hundred of armed personnel and heavy military equipment have crossed from Russia to Georgia through the Roki tunnel. To protect peaceful civilian populations and to prevent further military attacks, the Government of Georgia has been forced to take adequate measures. Despite this most recent escalation, the Government of Georgia once again reiterates its readiness to immediately begin peace talks aimed at resolving the conflict in South Ossetia and calls on the separatist rebels to cease their military actions and come to the negotiation table. 08.08.2008 END TEXT 2. (SBU) The Georgian Mission attached additional information to the statement, including the text of a special address of the President of Georgia Mikheil Saakashvili. We have e-mail this additional information to EUR/RPM. WEINROD



S E C R E T USNATO 000276 NOFORN SIPDIS E.O. 12958: DECL: 07/09/2018 TAGS: PREL, MARR, NATO, MOPS, GG, RU SUBJECT: NATO STRUGGLES TO REACT TO SOUTH OSSETIA FIGHTING REF: USNATO 274 Classified By: Charge d'Affaires Bruce Weinrod for reasons 1.4 (b) and (d) 1. © SUMMARY: As the crisis situation in Georgia unfolded on August 8, NATO Allies and the International Staff struggled with how to respond. While the possibility of an emergency meeting of the North Atlantic Council (NAC) was briefly discussed, NATO Secretary General de Hoop Scheffer does not support such a meeting at this time. De Hoop Scheffer did authorize the release of a statement calling on all sides to end violence. Unfortunately, the crisis also revealed the continuing divisions within the Alliance on how to address Georgia's desire to join NATO's Membership Action Plan, with Germany and Norway arguing that the upcoming NAC trip should be reconsidered. On the other hand, Poland--a strong supporter of NATO MAP--had argued that the crisis only reinforced the need for the NAC to travel to the region. END SUMMARY Emergency NAC Idea Floated, but Rejected ---------------------------------------- 2. © On August 8, the Czech Mission contacted Charge Weinrod, proposing that an emergency session of the North Atlantic Council (NAC) be convened to discuss the developing situation in Georgia. On a follow-up call, The Czech mission stated that it was very likely to pursue a special NAC meeting if Russian forces entered Georgian territory. Weinrod received a similar call from the Dutch Mission, except the Dutch had asked whether a meeting of the NATO-Russia Council might be appropriate. The Charge learned from Deputy Secretary General (D/SYG) Claudio Bisogniero, however, that Secretary General (SYG) Jaap de Hoop Scheffer, who is traveling at the moment, opposed quickly convening an emergency session of the NAC, believing that such a meeting might only contribute to the escalation of tensions. (Note: NATO's Political Committee had already been scheduled to have an instructed discussion of the situation in Georgia during its August 11 meeting. End note.) 3. © De Hoop Scheffer had also directed the release of a press statement in his name calling on all sides to end the violence (reftel). 4. © Senior NATO staff are speaking this afternoon with the Georgian Deputy PM and have been asked to meet with the Russian NATO Charge. Unfortunately, Allied Divisions Continue to Play Out --------------------------------------------- ------- 5. © According to an American contact on the NATO International Staff (strictly protect), the German Mission had already used the unfolding crisis to argue that the upcoming NAC trip to Georgia (which had only just been reconfirmed late yesterday in a SYG-Saakashvili telcon for September 15-16) should be cancelled. Norway had argued that at the very least Allies should discuss whether the NAC should still travel to the region. On the other hand, Poland had argued that the crisis only provided an additional reason for the trip. (Note: The U.S. is reaching out to senior Americans on the IS, providing them with appropriate information as it becomes available to us.) 6. (S/NF) USNATO has received no questions about the status of Georgian forces in Iraq. Comment ------- 7. © Georgia, as a member of the Partnership for Peace, has a right to consult with NATO on any perceived direct threat to its territorial integrity, political independence, or sovereignty. This right is guaranteed in Paragraph 8 of the Partnership for Peace: Framework Document. The Georgians have consulted with NATO on these topics before, most recently in the Senior Political Committee, and may do so during the current crisis. If they do seek such a meeting, we will urge them to do so only after they have had time to properly prepare for it. NATO DASG Simmons anticipated the Georgian Deputy PM would raise this issue this afternoon. They will need to be prepared to answer the questions of those who might suspect that Tbilisi is less than completely innocent in how this has played out. In the short run, USNATO will undoubtedly receive further inquiries regarding U.S. thinking on this matter. WEINROD



C O N F I D E N T I A L RIGA 000463 SIPDIS E.O. 12958: DECL: 08/07/2018 TAGS: PREL, PGOV, GG, RU, LG SUBJECT: TFGG01: LATVIA ON GEORGIA/SOUTH OSSETIA - BLAME RUSSIA Classified By: Charge d'Affairs a.i. Tamir Waser for Reasons 1.4 (b) an d (d) 1. © On the afternoon of August 8, Charge was summoned to the MFA to meet with State Secretary Normans Penke to discuss developments in Georgia/South Ossetia, where Penke expressed the GOL's great concern about the escalating situation. While he initially described that he had held discussions earlier in the day with both the Russian and Georgian ambassadors to Latvia, urging both sides to take measures to de-escalate, he later made clear that he and the GOL lay the blame squarely at the feet of the Russians. He noted with amusement, though, that the Georgian ambassador, in describing the GOG's own operations, used the term that Georgian forces were "occupying" South Ossetia, which Penke said was not a "favorable" choice of words. 2. © Penke said that the MFA is urging all parties to stand down forces and negotiate. He noted that the Georgian FM had complained to Latvian FM Riekstins in a phone call the morning of August 8 that she could not get a call through to Russian FM Lavrov, and has only been able to speak to DFM Karasin. Penke noted that in a subsequent call with the Finnish FM, the Finns had a call with Lavrov set up for later in the day. 3. © Penke stated a desire for a NATO statement on the crisis, but with the NATO Secretary General on vacation, he did not see much possibility for such a statement. He expressed his desire to have NATO at least meet in Brussels on the evening of August 8, to decide how best to put pressure on the Russians to calm events. Penke also mentioned engaging the OSCE, but he did not specify a role for the body. 4. © When asked about what he envisioned the French reaction would be in their EU Presidency role, Penke stated that it was hard to tell but that he was mildly optimistic, as he believed the current French government would be more forward-leaning than during the Chirac administration. 5. © Penke said that the MFA has no plans to remove staff from their embassy in Tbilisi, and that they had, in fact, ordered their ambassador to Georgia to return to post from his vacation. 6. (U) Penke expressed a desire to remain in close contact with the USG in coming days. 7. © Comment: The Latvians view the situation as essentially Russia's fault, although they also feel that Tbilisi has been looking for a provocation to act. In the back of the Latvian's mind is always their own relationship with Russia and they are anxious to ensure that the Russians don't come out of this with a greater sense of entitlement to act in the former Soviet space. WASER





UNCLAS USNATO 000277 SENSITIVE SIPDIS E.O. 12958: N/A TAGS: MOPS, PREL, NATO, GG, RS SUBJECT: RUSSIAN NATO AMBASSADOR DECRIES "TREACHEROUS" GEORGIAN USE OF FORCE REF: A. USNATO 274 B. USNATO 275 C. USNATO 276 1. (SBU) Late on the afternoon of August 8, the Russian Mission distributed a letter addressed to Deputy Secretary General Bisogniero on the unfolding crisis in Georgia. 2. (SBU) The text of the letter is as follows: Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation to NATO Brussels, 8 August 2008 Dr. Mr. C. Bisogniero, We would like to draw your attention to grim and alarming realities of the situation in South Ossetia. On the night of August 7-8, just several hours after the agreement had been reached to hold talks to settle the new round of the South Ossetia conflict Georgian military units undertook a treacherous, massive attack on Tskhinvali. A use-of-force scenario was resorted to by the Georgian leadership, despite all the diplomatic efforts that had been undertaken in contacts among Moscow, Tbilisi, Tskhinvali, Washington and other concerned capitals. The fighting is going on, the number of civilian victims in South Ossetia is sharply rising. The Russian peacekeepers were also attacked by the Georgian forces, several were killed, three wounded. The credibility of the Georgian leadership as a responsible participant of the negotiation process and of the international intercourse corresponding to the principles of the United Nations Charter in general has been completely undermined as a result. The Russian Federation will continue its efforts directed at preventing any further bloodshed and at getting the situation in South Ossetia back into its peaceful course. We kindly ask you to make the substance of this note known to the NRC and partner countries. Sincerely yours, signed D. Rogozin H.E. Mr. Claudio BISOGNIERO Deputy NATO Secretary General North Atlantic Treaty Organization Brussels, Belgium WEINROD



C O N F I D E N T I A L TBILISI 001342 FOR U/S KENNEDY, EUR A/S FRIED AND DAS BRYZA, AND S/ES DAN SMITH FROM AMBASSADOR TEFFT E.O. 12958: DECL: 08/08/2018 TAGS: ASEC, PREL, AEMR, CASC, GG SUBJECT: GEORGIA: AUGUST 8 EAC REPORT Classified By: AMBASSADOR JOHN F. TEFFT. REASONS: 1.4 (B) AND (D). 1. © Embassy's EAC met twice on August 8 to review the Embassy's security posture and to consider EAP tripwires in response to continued violence in South Ossetia. At the end of the discussion, the EAC recommended the issuance of a warden notice and a travel warning with regard to travel in the separatist regions and within Georgia, but was divided over the question of authorized departure. 2. © Currently, no embassies in Tbilisi have taken action beyond the issuance of warden notices and travel warnings. The UK Ambassador confirmed to me the evening of August 8 that all the EU embassies, including the UK, French and German missions, are remaining in place and will assess the situation in South Ossetia again following the weekend. In fact, a large number of high-level European officials, including the French, Swedish and Lithuanian Foreign Ministers, are expected to arrive in Tbilisi on August 9, to take part in ongoing negotiations. 3. © The EAC agreed that although some tripwires had been crossed, others have not. If other tripwires are crossed, including an explosion or attack in Tbilisi or a cut-off of utilities or air traffic, we would need to immediately reassess our position on authorized departure. 4. © The situation in South Ossetia is dangerous; however, there is no indication or evidence that Tbilisi is under immediate threat. The situation is currently the subject of high-level discussions with the Russian Government and others that are directed toward a ceasefire and a negotiated settlement. If the situation persists and these negotiations are unsuccesful, we will need to consider requesting authorized departure for those who wish to leave. Although we cannot predict the outcome of these high-level negotiations, we would not want to be in a position to tell everyone to leave at the same time the situation is stabilizing. 5. © Meanwhile, we continue to review our security and possible drawdown procedures, making contact with neighboring posts that might be called upon to assist in an evacuation, reviewing our lists of essential personnel and ensuring that our motorpool is ready to move at short notice. We have also tested the embassy telephone tree to ensure that all personnel can be reached over the weekend if necessary. The EAC will reconvene the morning of Saturday, August 9, to assess the latest situation in South Ossetia and any potential effect upon the safety and security of the American community. TEFFT



S E C R E T USNATO 000278 NOFORN SIPDIS E.O. 12958: DECL: 08/08/2018 TAGS: PREL, MARR, NATO, MOPS, PINR, GG, RS SUBJECT: NATO/GEORGIA: SITUATION AT NATO HQ AS OF COB ON AUGUST 8 REF: A. USNATO 274 B. USNATO 275 C. USNATO 276 Classified By: Charge d'Affaires Bruce Weinrod for reasons 1.4 (b) and (d) 1. (S) SUMMARY: On the afternoon and early evening of August 8: -- The Russian Charge reported that Russian Ambassador Rogozin was returning to Brussels and would likely seek a meeting with Deputy Secretary General Bisogniero over the weekend. The Russian Charge also said that the NATO-Russia relationship would be called into questions by closer NATO-Georgia relations, including the upcoming visit of the North Atlantic Council to Tbilisi; -- The issue of whether NATO AWACS assets should be forward deployed to Turkey was raised, but the likely recommendation will be that they be put on a shorter alert status instead; -- The IS said that they were prepared to call a meeting of the North Atlantic Council over the weekend if they had to, but that it is not their intention to do so at the current time; -- The Georgian Mission was discussing the possibility of 26 plus 1 meeting with members of the NATO International Staff, which was urging caution; -- The Georgian Mission said that Tbilisi was hoping to involve the international community in the development of a new conflict resolution dynamic by changing the facts on the ground; and -- The French Charge said Paris was cautious about the role NATO could or should play in the crisis. END SUMMARY Bisogniero Meets Russian Charge... ---------------------------------- 2. (S/NF) According to a senior American (strictly protect) on the NATO International Staff (IS), Deputy Secretary General Bisogniero met with Russian Charge Ivan Soltanovskiy, who reportedly adopted a sorrowful rather than an angry tone. Soltanovskiy said that the Secretary General's press statement was balanced, but asked what NATO meant by "following the situation." Soltanoskiy claimed that Georgia was perpetrating ethnic cleansing and that Russia was only protecting Russian citizens. Soltanovskiy had asserted that Russia was not a party to the conflict and was only a mediator. Bisogniero had contradicted him on that point saying: "you are a party, that is what we meant (in the statement). You are using troops and bombers, too." 3. (S/NF) Soltanovskiy reportedly told Bisogniero that Russian Ambassador Rogozin had decided to interrupt his summer vacation and return to Brussels. Soltanovskiy said that Rogozin would likely seek a meeting with Bisogniero this weekend. D/SYG said he awaited further Russian NATO Mission calls on the subject. (Note: The IS official said that it was likely Rogozin would ask for a meeting of the NATO-Russia Council (NRC). If that occurs, the IS would ask the NRC PrepCom to meet, perhaps as early as the afternoon of August 11, to prepare the meeting. The IS also intends to hold a NAC discussion before moving to any "at 27" Ambassadorial discussion within the NRC format. The IS said that if an NRC is held, they will recommend that Allies also offer a "26 plus 1" meeting to Georgia.) Who Makes a Threat Regarding NATO-Georgia Relations --------------------------------------------- ------ 4. (S/NF) According to the IS official, Soltanovskiy said that he assumed the North Atlantic Council's scheduled trip to Georgia would now be cancelled. Bisogniero pushed back, noting that NATO had already made a decision to visit Tbilisi and that the focus of any NATO-Russia dialogue should be on the priority matters at hand, namely calming the situation down, and not on a travel schedule. Soltanovskiy warned that if NATO moved Georgia "forward" -- including if NATO went ahead with the visit--the NATO-Russia relationship would be "called into question." AWACS Deployment Raised ------------------------------- 5. (S/NF) The IS official reported that SACEUR's Chief of Staff had raised the posibility of AWACS forward deployment to Izmir, Turkey. The official had said that the IS position was that this action might be perceived as being provocative. The IS intended to recommend that the AWACS "lead time" be shortened from its usual 48 hours instead. Should the AWACS deploy to Izmir, it would use a track it uses routinely over Turkey, per NATO Military Staff. Still, the D/SYG postponed any such step,pending further developments in the region. IS Prepared to Call Weekend NAC, but Prefers Not to Do So --------------------------------------------- ------------ 6. (S/NF) According to the IS official, the International Staff have put in place a mechanism to call a NAC meeting over the weekend if required. He made clear, however, that the IS would prefer not to do so unless absolutely necessary. He said that Latvia was the only Ally which had been pressuring the IS to call an emergency meeting of the NAC. Georgia Mission Provides Their Thoughts --------------------------------------- 7. (C/NF) On August 8, Poloff met with Mikheil Darchiashvili, First Secretary at the Georgian Mission to NATO to discuss developments in South Ossetia. Darchiashvili said that Georgia was consulting with NATO International Staff and Allies on the idea of requesting an urgent meeting with NATO PermReps. He said that FM Eka Tkeshelashvili would travel to Brussels for such a meeting. Darchiashvili said Georgia would like do this quickly, because it fears Russia's ability to use the NATO-Russia Council mechanism to seize the initiative by making the first presentation to NATO Allies about the events leading to the current fighting and the real situation on the ground. Darchiashvili shared that advice so far from NATO staff had been to steer the Georgians towards seeking consultations at a lower level and on a less expedited basis. (Note: According to the IS official cited above, the IS has counseled Georgia to clearly think through what it wanted out of such a meeting and then prepare accordingly.) He acknowledged that not all NATO Allies would listen to a Georgian presentation with a non-critical ear and that Georgia would have to be extremely well prepared for such a meeting. 8. (C/NF) In regard to the fighting, Darchiashvili said Georgia now holds 90 percent of South Ossetia. He had heard from Tbilisi that President Saakashvili was considering trying to involve the international community in a new conflict resolution process based on this new de facto situation on the ground. He said President Saakashvili was reaching out to world leaders to seek support for this approach. French Charge Urges Caution on NATO Role in the Crisis --------------------------------------------- --------- 9. (C/NF) FR Charge Duchene contacted A/DCM 1730 L time to explain that Paris was concerned about NATO becoming too prominent a part of the dynamic on S.Ossetia and was also eager to keep the EU on the fringe of the conflict as well. She said that NATO,s earlier Friday public statement had been "enough of a NATO role for now." She asked whether the U.S. supported reported calls by NATO Baltic delegations to hold a NAC at the soonest possible moment. A/DCM said that we were in contact with the D/SYG, who already had conveyed a SYG decision not to hold a near-term NAC, and that we were focused on efforts to get Russia to disengage from hostilities. Duchene said this approach dovetailed with Paris, emphasis as well. She said that Paris saw the OSCE and bilateral efforts as the lead channels to achieve this goal. She added that she had heard that Russian NATO AMB Rogozin was returning from vacation this weekend and predicted that he would want visible NATO-Russia meetings early in the week. Furthermore, she anticipated Georgian requests for 26 plus one meetings. A/DCM concurred that we could anticipate these calls and it was important that Georgian voices be heard as Moscow sought NATO hearings of its views. We agreed that both the NATO-Russia framework and the Partnership for Peace and EAPC frameworks offered Russia and Georgia, respectively, the opportunity to talk with NATO in times of heightened tensions. Duchene noted Rogozin,s proclivity for grandstanding in the media and agreed that NATO needed to manage the conduct of the meetings, public expectations for what they might produce in NATO follow-on steps, and related public diplomacy so as not to inadvertently contribute to any destabilization of the situation. WEINROD



UNCLAS USUN NEW YORK 000720 SENSITIVE SIPDIS PASS TO SECRETARY RICE AND NSC HADLEY E.O. 12958: N/A TAGS: GG, PGOV, PREL, RS SUBJECT: GEORGIA CHALLENGES RUSSIA, SECURITY COUNCIL 1. (SBU) SUMMARY. The UN Security Council failed on August 8 to reach a consensus on a press statement in reaction to the developing conflict in South-Ossetia, Georgia. In a dramatic public session, the Georgian PermRep asked the Russian PermRep whether Russia was prepared to call off the bombers he said were about to pummel Georgian cities. He also pointedly asked the Security Council what it was prepared to do to stop the conflict. Russian PermRep Churkin claimed Georgia was the aggressor and Russia was only defending its citizens in South Ossetia. The Belgian Security Council Presidency announced plans to call for further closed consultations on August 9, in another attempt to reach consensus on a press statement. End Summary. 2. (SBU) The Security Council suspended its consultation on the South-Ossetia, Georgia conflict late in the day on August 8 after it failed to reach consensus on a press statement. Various versions of the draft press statement -- expressing concern over the escalating violence and casualties, calling for immediate cessation of hostilities and resumption of negotiations -- broke down over the course of the afternoon, primarily over U.S.-Russia differences over whether the statement should reaffirm Georgia's territorial integrity, refer to more than two parties, or call for a ceasefire before or after a return to the status quo ante. 3. (SBU) Notwithstanding Ambassador Khalilzad's harsh criticism of Russia to the press following the second public session, several Council members remained enthusiastic enough about the prospects of reaching consensus that a Saturday morning session, August 9, will be scheduled after Belgium circulates a further composite text this evening. 4. (SBU) The consultations were interspersed around a public session, which was requested by Georgia. It featured a dramatic exchange between the Russian and Georgian Permanent Representatives that culminated in the Georgian confronting the Russian, saying Russian bombers are in the air and are about to bomb Georgia, and asking, "will you stop?" Ambassador Khalilzad noted in his statement that the Georgian PermRep had committed in his statement to a ceasefire, whereas the Russian PermRep had been silent on that point. The Georgian PermRep also pointedly asked the Council what it was willing to do in the face of Russian aggression. 5. (SBU) Russian Ambassador Churkin deflected calls by several Council members to respect the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Georgia, and instead focused his comments on accusing Georgia of engaging in "ethnic cleansing" in South Ossetia. He claimed that Georgia was targeting Russian peacekeepers and he said firmly that Russia would not allow actions against Russian nationals to go unpunished. Khalilzad



C O N F I D E N T I A L SECTION 01 OF 02 TBILISI 001343 SIPDIS DEPT FOR EUR/CARC E.O. 12958: DECL: 08/09/2018 TAGS: PGOV, PREL, PHUM, RU, GG SUBJECT: GEORGIA: SOUTH OSSETIA--SITREP 3: RUSSIAN BOMBS FALL THROUGHOUT GEORGIA REF: TBILISI 1341 Classified By: AMBASSADOR JOHN F. TEFFT FOR REASONS 1.4 (B) AND (D) 1. © Begin Summary and Comment: Multiple bases, airports, and Georgia's port of Poti were all bombed overnight by Russian aircraft, with bombing continuing in the daylight hours of August 9, with bombs hitting civilian targets in the Georgian city of Gori. Reports of casualties continue to come in, most still unreliable and unverifiable, but it is clear that casualty numbers are growing. There were reportedly dozens killed in Senaki and Poti. The government of Georgia has not declared a state of emergency, but is limiting news being aired on TV and has evacuated some key government buildings in Tbilisi. The bombing is causing widespread fear in the Georgian population. In South Ossetia, OSCE confirms that artillery fire continued into the morning hours near Tskhinvali. The MFA has released no new statements, and the Ministry of Reintegration has said the Abkhaz de-facto authorities have asked UNOMIG to immediately withdraw from Kodori. This sitrep covers events that have transpired overnight on August 8-9 in Georgia (reftel). End Summary and comment. 2. © President Saakashvili told the Ambassador in a late morning phone call that the Russians are out to take over Georgia and install a new regime. They will not stop at retaking South Ossetia, but will move on Tbilisi. He fears the Russians will never agree to a ceasefire. Saakashvili and the Georgian leadership now believe that this entire Russian military operation is all part of a grand design by Putin to take Georgia and change the regime. Saakashvili said that the Russian forces are now attacking Tskhinvali and the Georgian forces are resisting. We believe the Georgians are out of air defense supplies, which makes them vulnerable to Russian air attacks. He also believes the Russians will soon attack and try to seize the upper Kodori valley. Ominously, the Abkhaz formally asked UNOMIG this morning to withdraw their detachment in the Upper Kodori. 3. © OSCE observers report that beginning at 0600 on August 9 Georgian artillery began shelling Tskhinvali and becoming heavy after 0900 to the Southwest of the city. The JPFK commander reported that ten of his Russian peacekeepers were dead, and others were wounded. OSCE observers said that Georgian aircraft were bombing the city at 1100 on August 8. According to OSCE, there has been no visible presence of Georgian forces in the city since 1500 on August 8 when they withdrew. No accurate numbers of casualties are available and no international organizations such as Red Cross are present to assist with casualties. 4. © Poloff called the MFA and was told that there are no new statements since August 8, but confirmed that the Government has not/not called a state of emergency. The MFA website: www.mfa.gov.ge appears to have been hacked. 5. © Deputy Minister of Reintegration Ruslan Abashidze told Poloff that the situation in South Ossetia is the same as August 8, with shelling coming from Java, but he believes Georgian forces control the nearby villages. He said that Georgian forces are in control of Tskhinvali and are inside the city. Turning to the Abkhaz conflict he reported that the Abkhaz side has asked UNOMIG to withdraw immediately from Kodori (note: we have been unable to confirm request this with UNOMIG but such a move indicated intended hostilities). 6. © UNOMIG observers reported that all was quiet in the Zugdidi on the evening of August 8, aside from Abkhaz moving 9 T-55 (1960,s Soviet era) tanks toward the cease-fire line. 7. © Confirmed overnight (August 8-9) bombings include: -- Vaziani, again. This former Soviet military base, which is usually home to 4th Brigade is being used as a mobilization site for reservists. It lies only a few kilometers east of Tbilisi. Buildings were reportedly hit this time. -- Senaki military base in west Georgia. This base is home to the 2nd Brigade. Unconfirmed reports indicate 20 killed there. -- The Port of Poti. Georgia's deepest port outside of Ochamchire in Abkhazia. Several "flat racks" where ships are loaded and unloaded were bombed, as was the nearby Coast Guard station. Press reports indicate at least 15 people were killed. TBILISI 00001343 002 OF 002 -- Kopinari Airport near Kutaisi. This joint civilian and military airport was also bombed. It is home to Su-25 fighters and AN-2 Colt resupply aircraft. -- Marneuli Airbase, approximately 40 km south of Tbilisi, was bombed for the third time. -- The city of Gori. Apparently, one attempt by Russian jets to bomb an artillery position near Gori missed. A bomb landed in town destroying some stores and abandoned buildings. No casualties were reported in this attack. Georgian radio later reported that Russian bombers attacked Gori early August 9, attempting to knock out the last bridge linking the road crossing Georgia from east to west as well as a communications tower. President Saakashvili reported that at mid-day August 9, Russian planes had begun bombing housing blocks in Gori, with hundreds of casualties, calling this "pure terror." -- Upper Kodori was also bombed. Details are sketchy. 8. © Additional unconfirmed reports include: -- Sections of the railroad running from Poti toward Kutaisi may have been bombed. -- Dozens of police in Mestia (north west Georgia) have mobilized and are moving toward the Russian border. -- The Zugdidi road is open, and Georgian troops are moving north toward Kodori. 9. © On the economic front, the Government has been undertaking contingency planning in case of a prolonged conflict. During an August 8 meeting with the Ambassador, Prime Minister Gurgenidze talked about his efforts to calm investors during the current crisis. He noted that the economy had been remarkably calm. There had been no change in the currency and the stock exchange was working normally. Georgia had not touched its Eurobond money, and natural gas and electricity supplies were in good shape. The PM noted that the Georgians were considering contingencies, especially with regard to energy supplies, should the conflict continue. For example, one major power plant had already shifted over to natural gas from electricity and there are plans to import gas from Turkey. The Georgians are also planning to stop exports of electricity to Russia and have made arrangements to purchase "off-peak" energy from Azerbaijan. Although investors were nervous, the PM noted that there was no panic buying among the population. TEFFT






S E C R E T STATE 085598 SIPDIS E.O. 12958: DECL: 08/09/2038 TAGS: AEMR, ASEC, CASC, KFLO, MARR, PREL, PINR, AMGT, GG SUBJECT: TFGG01: GEORGIA TASK FORCE SITUATION REPORT NO. 2 CLASSIFIED BY: RICHARD LYONS, SENIOR WATCH OFFICER, S/ES-O, REASON 1.4(D) FIGHTING CONTINUES; RUSSIA POISED TO TAKE TSKHINVALI --------------------------------------------- ------- 1. (S) Embassy Tbilisi reports Georgian air defense supplies are depleted, making their forces vulnerable to Russian air attacks, and President Saakashvili likely will attempt the urgent procurement of additional man- portable air defense systems (MANPADs) from Azerbaijan or Ukraine. (TF/Embassy Tbilisi e-mail) 2. (U) Media report the Russian military said more army units arrived in South Ossetia with additional reinforcements, including "special units," on the way. President Medvedev called the Russian presence a "peace operation." (Reuters) 3. (U) A Russian general told the press Russian troops had pushed Georgian forces from the South Ossetian capital of Tskhinvali. (Reuters) SAAKASHVILI SEES RUSSIAN THREAT TO GOVERNMENT --------------------------------------------- 4. (SBU) President Saakashvili told Ambassador Tefft he believes the Russians seek to take over Georgia and install a new regime in Tbilisi. Georgia expects the Russians to launch an attack in the Upper Kodori valley soon. (TF/Embassy Tbilisi e-mail) BOMBINGS CAUSE "HUNDREDS" OF CASUALTIES IN GORI, POTI --------------------------------------------- -------- 5. (S) Media report heavy Russian bombing in the town of Gori, with witnesses claiming at least one bomb struck an apartment building. President Saakashvili told the Ambassador there are hundreds of casualties. (TF/Embassy Tbilisi e-mail, Reuters) 6. (SBU) Local Georgian radio report at least six were killed and 25 wounded in the Russian bombing of the Georgian port city of Poti. Embassy Tbilisi reports the bombings have caused widespread fear in the Georgian population. (TF/Embassy Tbilisi telcon and e-mail) NO DAMAGE IN TBILISI -------------------- 7. (SBU) Embassy Tbilisi reports no evidence of bombing or damage in the capital. (TF/Embassy Tbilisi telcon) 8. (U) Minimize considered. RICE



C O N F I D E N T I A L TBILISI 001348 SIPDIS DEPT FOR EUR/CARC E.O. 12958: DECL: 08/09/2018 TAGS: PREL, PGOV, RU, GG SUBJECT: GEORGIA: SOUTH OSSETIA SITREP 4: GEORGIANS DECLARE MARTIAL LAW, CLOSE BATUMI AIRPORT Classified By: AMBASSADOR JOHN F. TEFFT FOR REASONS 1.4 (B) AND (D). 1. © Summary and Comment: MFA representatives told the diplomatic corps at an August 9 meeting that the President had signed a decree placing martial law into effect the same day. Alexander Nalbandov, MFA Global Affairs Division, requested the support of the diplomatic corps in convening an OSCE Permanent Council special PC at which a coordinated statement regarding Russian Federation aggressive military action would be coordinated. Deputy Foreign Minister Vashadze said that he would work with the embassy communities to get any overflight permission needed to evacuate their citizens. Vashadze said that the country is now facing full scale war, and that Russia will not stop. As a result of the "status of war," the Central Election Commission adopted a decree postponing the Adjaran elections slated for October 4, because the Constitution prohibits it. Batumi airport authorities confirm that they closed the commercial airport the evening of August 9, due to reports of imminent attacks. End Summary. Russian Attacks Continue ------------------------ 2. © DFM Vashadze told the group that they should discount Russian media reports as propaganda. He said that the Russians had once again bombed Koni (Racha) and three times had been driven back when they tried to enter the Roki tunnel. As of 1800, bombing was occurring in Kodori. Three Russians ships had been noted not far from Ochamchire, one carrying troops and the other two war ships carrying missiles. He went on to say that elements from the Russian 58th Army and from an airborne regiment (Comment: Most likely personnel from the Pskov 76th Parachute Division) are on the ground in South Ossetia. He confirmed that eight Russian aircraft had been shot down by the Georgians and one Russian pilot is now a POW in their care. Civilian casualties continue to be a question mark, although at 1600 the Georgian Ministry of Health said that 55 persons are dead, among them 15 civilians and 40 military personnel. The Defense Attache Office has confirmed with airport authorities in Batumi that the Batumi airport closed the evening of August 9 due to reported imminent attacks. Georgian press shows the evacuation in progress. Evacuations ------------ 3. © The British Ambassador told Varshadze that he had discussed with his staff the possibility of evacuating personnel in the upcoming days. Other Ambassadors too expressed their concern for the safety of their citizens in Georgia. (Embassy note: The German Ambassador told us that the Italians were close to breaking ranks with their EU colleagues and drawing down their embassy unilaterally. End note.) Vashadze said that he would personally work with embassies to ensure they get the needed aircraft clearances should evacuation be necessary. He said that although the roads to Gori are still open, there is no guarantee that the Russians won't bomb the city again, thereby putting travelers at risk. OSCE Permanent Council ---------------------- 4. © MFA Director Nalbandov requested that member states send ministers or their deputies to attend a proposed meeting of the OSCE Permanent Council that is slated to occur on August 11 or August 12. The purpose of the meeting is to craft an OSCE statement addressing Russian military aggression. Nalbandov said that the strength of the wording of the statement is critical and Georgia needs OSCE member states' support. Martial Law ---------- 5. © The Georgian press announced that the President signed a decree putting martial law into effect, beginning today for the next 15 days. The particulars of the decree will be translated and provided to the diplomatic community on August 10. The exact particulars are not known, but the Georgian Press quoted the Justice Minister say saying that the decree, unlike during the State of Emergency in November 2007, will not mean any restriction on media. TEFFT



C O N F I D E N T I A L STATE 085614 SIPDIS E.O. 12958: DECL: 08/09/2038 TAGS: AEMR, ASEC, CASC, KFLO, MARR, PREL, PINR, AMGT, GG SUBJECT: TFGG01: GEORGIA TASK FORCE SITUATION REPORT NO. 03 CLASSIFIED BY: DANA MURRAY, SENIOR WATCH OFFICER, S/ES-O, REASON 1.4(D) AUTHORIZED DEPARTURE OF EMBASSY TBILISI FAMILIES --------------------- 1. (SBU) Georgian authorities will escort Embassy dependants by road to Yerevan August 10. Embassy Moscow informed the Russian MFA and demanded Russian aircraft avoid the convoy route. (Ops/Embassy Tbilisi telcon) 2. © Embassy Tbilisi reports all carriers except Turkish and Georgian Airlines cancelled flights into Tbilisi International Airport. The Batumi airport near the Turkish border closed due to reports of imminent attacks. (TF/Embassy Tbilisi telcon, Tbilisi 1348) 3. (SBU) Peace Corps reports all volunteers will travel to Armenia August 10. (TF/Peace Corps telcon) RUSSIAN ATTACKS CONTINUE -------------------- 4. © Media report Russian Deputy FM Karasin said parties are "not in a state of war," however, 15 Russian peacekeepers have been killed. Embassy Tbilisi reports eight Russian aircraft have been shot down and one Russian pilot captured. (TF/Georgia Embassy telcon, Tbilisi 1348) 5. © Three Russian ships carrying troops and missiles have been sighted in the Black Sea near Abkhazia. (Tbilisi 1348) 6. © Russians bombed Koni (Racha) again. Neither Georgian nor Russian officials can confirm media reports the Roki tunnel has been bombed. (Tbilisi 1348, Novaya Gazeta) GEORGIA DECLARES MARTIAL LAW FOR 15 DAYS ------------------ 7. © Embassy Tbilisi reports media restrictions are unlikely, although details are not available. (Tbilisi 1348) 8. (U) President Saakashvili offered an "immediate cease-fire," and said Georgia is "willing to take the first steps provided there is a serious international process." (Reuters) ALL GEORGIAN TROOPS IN IRAQ TO RETURN HOME ------------------- 9. (U) The 2,000 troops plan to return once transportation is arranged. (Reuters) 10. (U) Minimize considered. RICE



S E C R E T USNATO 000279 NOFORN SIPDIS E.O. 12958: DECL: 08/09/2018 TAGS: PREL, NATO, GG SUBJECT: GEORGIA REQUESTS FORMAL NATO CONSULTATIONS NEXT WEEK REF: A. USNATO 278 B. YATES/REID E-MAIL FWD'D TO DEPT Classified By: A/DCM W.S. REID III; REASONS 1.4 (B) AND (D). 1.(SBU) On August 9, the U.S. Mission to NATO received a copy of a letter dated August 9 from Georgian Ambassador to NATO Revaz Beshidze to NATO Deputy Secretary General Claudio Bisogniero in which Georgia requests a "NAC plus Georgia Emergency Meeting at the earliest convenience, preferably in the week of 11 August, 2008." 2. © Letter text follows: Dear Deputy Secretary General, I would like to draw your attention to the fact of serious deterioration of the situation in the Tskhinvali Region of Georgia. We are satisfied to note that NATO is closely following the developments in Georgia and by the Statement of the NATO Secretary General tries to contribute to the normalization of the situation. Nevertheless the fact of open military aggression against Georgia gives me indulgence to further recapitulate on the recent developments in this regard. On August 8, the Russian Federation undertook a direct and full-scale attack against Georgia, both inside Georgia's territory of South Ossetia as well as outside the conflict zone (bold text in letter) resulting in hundred of civilian casualties among Georgia's population (end bold text). Russian jets have violated Georgian airspace numerous times, bombing the cities of Kareli and Gori and dropping mines on the villages of Shavshvebi, Variani and Tsedisi. Russian aviation bombed Marneuli and Bolnisi military airbase as well dropped two bombs at Vaziani Military airport which is located in the immediate vicinity of Tbilisi. Russian jets also engaged in massive bombing for 20 minutes of the area between the villages of Ksuisi and Khelchua. Russian jet fighters have been circling over the cities of Tskhinvali and Gadauri for hours. It needs to be underlined that the majority of these inhabited areas lie outside Tskhinvali region. Russian military aircrafts have also destroyed Georgia's Black Sea Port in Poti. City Gori is currently under the heavy air strikes from the Russian Federation. It is crystal clear that the Russian Federation openly is pursuing a deliberative strategy of aggression. By the actions it is undertaking today, the Russian Federation has grossly violated universally recognized norms and principles of international law. Moreover the Russian Federation's open military aggression is posing a direct threat to Georgia's territorial integrity, independence and security. In this regard, referring to the article 8 of the PfP Framework Document stipulating that "NATO will consult with any active participant of the Partnership if that Partner perceives a direct threat to its territorial integrity, political independence, or security" and as part of ongoing consultations between NATO and Georgia within the ID and in the period of Intensive engaging let me kindly request your assistance in organizing NAC plus Georgia Emergency Meeting at the earliest convenience, preferably in the week of 11 August, 2008. We do believe that the Allies will give due assessment to the current situation and express their readiness to hold the NAC plus Georgia. Sincerely yours, Ambassador Revaz Beshidze Head of the Georgian Mission to NATO (End text)

FRENCH EDGY ABOUT NATO INVOLVEMENT ---------------------------------- 3.(C/NF) French Charge Duchene (ref. A) contacted A/DCM at 1600L on August 9 to consult about the Georgian request. See said that Paris remains cautious about involving NATO too closely in the diplomatic efforts linked to resolving the ongoing conflict in South Ossetia and Georgia. She said that she had told Paris that it had to agree to the Georgia request per standing NATO-Partner commitments. She said that prior Allied deliberations on Georgia were necessary before speaking with Georgia and noted that the NATO Political Committee is set to meet the morning of August 11. She said that Paris is not confident it understands fully Moscow's bottom line intentions and hopes Moscow does not perceive it can acquire any new territory or alter lines of separation beyond their pre-conflict status. She noted that Paris saw Russian attacks outside S. Ossetia and its immediate adjacent area as widening the conflict and had noted Abkhaz steps to perhaps widen the potential conflict area as well. This escalatory trend dismayed Paris, she reported. When asked U.S. intentions, A/DCM said that the U.S. supported a meeting with Georgia as soon as it could be arranged, per the Partnership for Peace framework, and that a prior Allied discussion was acceptable and seemed likely no later than Monday. A/DCM summarized that our bilateral efforts were focused strongly on achieving disengagement of the conflicting parties and a de-escalation of the conflict and we, too, were following with concern a Russian widening of violence beyond the S. Ossetian zone. ROGOZIN BACK, BUT AVOIDING CALLING NRC FOR NOW --------------------------------------------- - 4. (U) Russian NATO Permrep Dmitry Rogozin returned to Brussels early on August 9 and held a press conference at the airport in which he announced he would not be calling a NATO-Russia Council (NRC) meeting immediately, preferring to consult bilaterally. 5.(S/NF) Nonetheless, he did meet today with SACEUR staff and acting USMILREP (ref. B), noting, inter alia, that Moscow greatly valued the NATO-Russia relationship and saying the Russian Federation was trying to act in ways that would insulate that link from consequences of the fighting. He repeated publicly stated Russian conditions for disengagement. WEINROD



UNCLAS STATE 085615 FOR AMBASSADOR FROM U/S FOR MANAGEMENT, PATRICK KENNEDY E.O. 12958: N/A TAGS: AMGT, AEMR, CASC, KFLO, AFIN, ASEC, GG SUBJECT: TFGG01 AUTHORIZED DEPARTURE FROM TBLISI, GEORGIA TREASURY DEPT PASS IRS FOR THE AMBASSADOR FROM UNDER SECRETARY KENNEDY REF: Tbilisi 001344 ------------------------------------------ EVACUATION AUTHORITY AND DEPARTMENT POLICY ------------------------------------------ 1. Effective the date of this telegram August 9,2008 I hereby approve authorized departure (AD)of eligible family members from Tbilisi to Yerevan. Eligible family members who are currently outside of Tbilisi and unable to safely return may proceed to the nearest contiguous country. Members of Households (MOHs) who are U.S. citizens are treated as private American citizens for evacuation purposes. Pursuant to the Department of State's "no double standard" policy, private American citizens should be offered the same evacuation opportunities/assistance as members of the official American community, when appropriate and feasible.






C O N F I D E N T I A L TBILISI 001349 C O R R E C T E D COPY -- ADDED E.O., TAGS, AND CLASS BY E.O. 12958: DECL: 08/11/2018 TAGS: PGOV, PREL, PHUM, RU, GG SUBJECT: GEORGIA: SITREP 5: GEORGIANS NEARLY EXHAUSTED; PULL BACK FROM SOUTH OSSETIA REF: TBILISI 1348 CLASSIFIED BY: AMBASSADOR JOHN F. TEFFT FOR REASONS 1.4 (B) AND (D) 1. © Begin Summary: FM Tkeshelashvili briefed the diplomatic corps August 10 that Georgia has suffered huge casualties. The FM described the situation as no longer about South Ossetia but rather was Russia aggression against an independent country. She said Russian planes have bombed hospitals in Gori and Sachkhere. The FM said approximately 4,000 Russian troops have been offloaded at the Ochamchire port in Abkhazia yesterday and approximately 3,000 Russian troops have massed at the Lars border crossing near Kazbegi, hours from Tbilisi. Despite clear signals from Georgian officials and military commanders that they have pulled back out of South Ossetia and are seeking a cease-fire, Russian ground forces are now fighting in Zugdidi -- this is the first instance of Russian ground troops being used outside the conflict zone in Georgia proper. Multiple sources confirm that the Georgians have suffered terrible losses, have been pushed out of Tskhinvali following a massive Russian attack and have withdrawn from the conflict zone. It is currently mostly quiet in the ruined city of Tskhinvali, which is controlled by large formations of Russians who are massing north of Gori. Gori residents are fleeing. Negotiations were requested between the Russians and Georgians on opening a north-south corridor to evacuate civilians from the region. It is unclear if they will take place. The OSCE is appealing for stronger efforts to counter Russia's moves. Post believes a humanitarian crisis is rapidly developing in the country, and an assistance meeting with donors and the Minister of Health will be held at 1500 August 10. 2. © Bombing continued overnight and into the morning of August 10. An aircraft factory in Tbilisi near the international airport, communications near Abkhazia, and the port of Poti were all bombed, although most targets were apparently missed. UNOMIG has confirmed that nearly 100 armored personnel carriers and troop transports headed to the Kodori valley from Sukhumi. There are unconfirmed reports of Russian naval forces in Abkhazia and off the coast near Poti. Georgia has recalled its entire contingent of 2,000 troops from Iraq; they will arrive in Tbilisi on U.S. military aircraft mid-day August 10 through mid-day August 11. The Lithuanian and Ukrainian Foreign Ministers, as well as other representatives of the Friends, are in Tbilisi. French FM Kouchner and the Prime Minister of Estonia are scheduled to arrive tonight. The Tbilisi airport is now operating, following an earlier evacuation after three bombs landed nearby. The first convoy of embassy dependents and private citizens departed Tbilisi for Yerevan at 1325 local time. This sitrep covers events in the ongoing fighting between Georgia and Russia in South Ossetia and Abkhazia since the evening of August 9 (reftel). End Summary. 3. © FM Tkeshelashvili briefed the diplomatic corps August 10 that Georgia has suffered huge casualties and Russia is now moving against Georgia proper; the fighting is no longer about South Ossetia. Despite clear signals from Georgian officials and military commanders that they have pulled out of South Ossetia and are seeking a cease-fire, Tkeshelashvili said that Russian ground forces are not responding. The Russians have expanded the fight to Zugdidi, on the Georgian side of the Abkhazia zone of conflict. This action represents another serious escalation -- ground forces in a Georgian non-conflict city. The FM also reported that 4,000 Russian troops offloaded at the Ochamchire port in Abkhazia yesterday, and approximately 3,000 Russian troops have massed near the Lars border crossing near Kazbegi, which is just two hours from Tbilisi by car. 4. © The Georgians suffered terrible losses (estimated in the thousands) overnight and have been pushed out of Tskhinvali following a massive Russian attack of 6,000 Russian troops that came through the Roki tunnel on August 9. Georgian forces have completely withdrawn from the zone of conflict. OSCE suspects the Russian attack came on the heels/initiative of PM Putin following his arrival in Vladikavkaz yesterday. Large formations of Russians, with tanks and armored vehicles, now control Tskhinvali and are massing north of Gori. Some EU partners suspect that the Russians may push into Gori in order to split Georgia between east and west. The ruined city of Tskhinvali is currently quiet. Georgian military officials have privately expressed deep disappointment with the U.S. and the West for not providing more support against the Russian attack. 5. © The Georgians have repeatedly requested negotiations (through military and diplomatic channels) with the Russians on a cease-fire, and opening a north-south corridor to evacuate civilians from the ruined city. The talks were intended to involve Reintegration Minister Yakobishvili and the Russian Ambassador to Georgia and Russian special envoy Popov. Local OSCE staff are in support of these efforts and appealing for stronger international efforts to counter Russia's aggression. DFM Vashadze said that he had called DFM Karasin early on August 10 to announce the pullback and request agreement to negotiate. FM Tkeshelashvili repeated that all subsequent Georgian attempts to offer disengagement with the Russians have been met with silence, including a request for an appropriate Russian leader to speak to Saakashvili. 6. © Post is preparing for an expected humanitarian disaster, as continued Russian attacks are inflicting terror on the population. FM Tkeshelashvili said Russian planes have bombed clearly marked hospitals in Gori and Sachkhere. In addition to the many casualties and unknowns regarding the population in/around Tskhinvali, nearly have of Gori's residents are believed to have fled the city. A meeting with the donor community, the Minister of Health and embassy officials will take place the afternoon of August 10. Should a cease-fire hold, we anticipate ever larger numbers of refugees in Tbilisi and other major city centers in the coming days. Tbilisi's main hospitals are already full of the injured. 7. © Separate from the FM's briefing, post confirms that bombing continued overnight and into the morning of August 10. An aircraft factory in Tbilisi, next to the airport was bombed but missed. UNOMIG confirmed that a communications tower and bridge near Urta close to Abkhazia were also targeted and missed at approximately 0800. The port of Poti was bombed again, although all three bombs failed to explode. Georgian refugees from South Ossetia and Gori are beginning to come into Tbilisi; a first tranche of USG assistance was delivered by Counterpart -- mainly bedding. 8. © UNOMIG confirmed this morning that 70 armored personnel carriers and 20 troop transport trucks were headed to the Kodori valley from Sukhumi at 0815. Ten of the trucks carried the Russian JPKF logo on the side. None of the remaining vehicles were similarly marked. 9. © Georgia has recalled its entire contingent of 2,000 troops from Iraq. Troops will arrive in Tbilisi on U.S. aircraft between mid-day August 10 and mid-day August 11. Post believes these troops will not be sent to the conflict zone, but instead will be used to defend Tbilisi. 10. © The Lithuanian and Ukrainian Foreign Ministers, as well as other Friends, are in Tbilisi. French FM Kouchner and the Prime Minister of Estonia are scheduled to arrive tonight. The Ambassador is joining this EU/OSCE delegation as it meets with key Georgian officials August 10. The Tbilisi airport is now operating, following an earlier evacuation.



S E C R E T SECTION 01 OF 02 STATE 085663 SIPDIS E.O. 12958: DECL: 08/10/2018 TAGS: AEMR, ASEC, CASC, KFLO, MARR, PREL, PINR, AMGT, GG SUBJECT: TFGG01: GEORGIA TASK FORCE SITUATION REPORT NO. 05 Classified by Senior Watch Officer Shawn Crowley for reasons 1.4 (B and D). RUSSIANS OUTSIDE ZUGDIDI; AIRPORT STILL OPEN -------------------------------------------- 1. © Contradicting earlier Georgian reports, Russian forces had not attacked Zugdidi, in Georgia proper, the Georgian Embassy tells the Bureau of European and Eurasian Affairs. Russian "peacekeepers" are staged outside the city. (TF/Embassy Tbilisi e-mail, TF/EUR e- mail) 2. (SBU) A bomb landed one kilometer from Tbilisi International Airport; renewed press reports of a larger attack against the airport appear unsubstantiated. Georgian Airways is the only commercial carrier still operating out of Tbilisi. (TF/Embassy Tbilisi telcon) 3. (SBU) Embassy Tbilisi is seeking to confirm reports a Georgian cruiser was sunk in the Black Sea. According to the media, the government of Ukraine reserved the right to bar Russian warships dispatched to the Georgian coast from returning to their base at Sevastopol. City officials told reporters residents would thwart any such Ukrainian attempt. (TF/Embassy Tbilisi telcon, Interfax) 4. (U) Despite earlier denials, Russia's General Staff confirmed the withdrawal of Georgian troops from South Ossetia. (Interfax) UNSC HOLDS EMERGENCY SESSION ---------------------------- 5. (SBU) Russian PermRep Churkin criticized U/SYG Pascoe's statement that Georgia was prepared to negotiate, according to USUN, and questioned the Secretariat's objectivity. Churkin did not respond to U.S. Ambassador Khalilzad's question about whether Moscow had adopted a policy of regime change in Georgia. The Georgian representative accused Russia of aiming to "destroy the Georgian state," according to the media. (TF/USUN e-mail, AP, Interfax) EMBASSY DEPENDENTS CROSS INTO ARMENIA ------------------------------------- 6. (SBU) A convoy of 82 family members from Embassy Tbilisi and 25 private Amcits safely entered Armenia. An additional Tbilisi-Yerevan convoy will depart August 11. (TF/Embassy Tbilisi telcon) GEORGIAN TROOPS RETURN FROM IRAQ -------------------------------- 7. (S) Post confirms the return of Georgian soldiers from Iraq is underway. TRANSCOM plans a total of eight flights August 10, and to finish the mission with eight additional flights August 11. (TF/Embassy Tbilisi STATE 00085663 002 OF 002 telcon, EUCOM sitrep) 8. (U) Minimize considered. RICE



UNCLAS SECTION 01 OF 02 USUN NEW YORK 000721 SENSITIVE SIPDIS E.O. 12958: N/A TAGS: PREL, PGOV, RU, GG, UNSC SUBJECT: TOUGH DAY FOR RUSSIA IN SECURITY COUNCIL 1.(SBU) Summary. All Security Council Members except for Russia called during an emergency session for an immediate ceasefire in response to the crisis in Georgia. Many Council Members said the Russian response to Georgia's August 7 military action in South Ossetia was a disproportionate response to the Georgian operation in South Ossetia and pointed out that a Georgian withdrawal from South Ossetia is underway. The U.S. and U.K. challenged Russia to explain the motives for its actions. Ambassador Khalilzad asked Russian Ambassador Churkin directly if the Russian objective was "regime change" in Georgia. The Russian PermRep accused the UN Secretariat of bias in its reporting on the situtation, defended Russian military activities as a necessary response to Georgia's "militaristic and adventurous" policies, and without directly answering Khalizad's question, said Georgian President Mikhail Sakaashvilli was an obstacle to peace. End Summary. 2.(SBU) In an emergency public meeting of the UN Security Council on the crisis in Georgia on August 10, Under Secretary General for Political Affairs Lynn Pascoe and Assistant Secretary General for Peacekeeping Operations Mulet briefed on the events on the ground in Georgia. Pascoe confirmed Georgia had withdrawn from South Ossetia, Georgian troops were no longer returning fire, and Georgia had opened a humanitarian corridor. He said UNHCR estimated there would be 20,000 Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) needing humanitarian assistance; 5000 refugees had also crossed from South Ossetia into North Ossetia in the Russian Federation. ASYG Mulet confirmed that several Georgian villages had been bombed in Abkhazia, that virtually the entire population of the Upper Kodori Valley had fled the bombing, and that CIS peacekeepers had taken no action to stop the deployments of Abkhazian forces. He also said a Russian naval vessel had interdicted a ship in the Black Sea carrying humanitarian goods. PermRep Churkin accused USYG Pascoe and ASYG Mulet of bias in their reports. The U.K. said the Russians were in no place to be making such claims. 3. (SBU) Georgian PermRep Irakli Alasania called for immediate direct intervention of the Security Council. He said Russia's President had refused to engage directly with Georgia's President. He said that Georgian forces had withdrawn from South Ossetia, but that Russian forces had fired on Georgian forces, impeding their withdrawal. He recalled the Russian actions in Chechnya and said it was clear that the purpose of the "Russian style peace enforcement" was to "erase Georgia from the face of the earth." 4.(SBU) Ambassador Khalilzad called for an immediate cessation of hostilities and return to the status quo ante of August 6. He challenged the "intransigent rejection of Russia to stop the violence", despite Georgia's pullout from South Ossetia and Georgia's offer to return to the status quo ante of August 6. He cited Russian actions to impede Georgia's withdrawal from South Ossetia as "unconscionable", and questioned Russia's motives for rejecting a ceasefire and its continuing to carry out attacks against civilian centers. Khalilzad condemned the violation of Georgia's sovereignty and territorial integrity and said he expected a resolution calling for an immediate ceasefire to be introduced shortly. 5. (SBU) Russian PermRep Vitaly Churkin responded that Russia was acting in self defense, prompted by the August 7 Georgian military operation in South Ossetia. Churkin accused Georgia of "militaristic and adventurous" agression, citing a "30 times increase" in Georgia's military budget and the presence of 127 U.S. military advisors in Tbilisi as proof. He accused Georgia of engaging in "ethnic cleansing" and suggested that Georgia was targeting South Ossetians who retained Russian citizenship in a genocidal campaign. Churkin defended Russian attacks on targets outside the conflict zone in Georgia by comparing it to NATO attacks on Belgrade and bridges in Serbia during the 1999 Kosovo conflict. In response to civilian casualties, he said the United States had accepted civilian casualties in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Serbia. Churkin denied that Russia was unwilling to engage in dialogue on the conflict and said that Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov had spoken to Secretary Rice six times since the conflict began and Presidents Bush and Medvedev had discussed the conflict while in China for the opening of the Olympics. 6. (SBU) In a dramatic follow-up exchange involving the U.S., Russian and Georgian PermReps, Ambassador Khalilzad recounted a telephone call that had just occurred between Secretary Rice and Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov, in which Lavrov told the Secretary, "Saakashvili must go". Khalilzad asked Churkin, "is Russia's objective regime change, the overthrow of a democratically elected Georgia?" Churkin responded that "regime change" is an American expression, but said, "some USUN NEW Y 00000721 002 OF 002 democratic leaders are an obstacle to peace." Khalilzad asked again, "is the goal to change the leadership of Georgia?". Churkin replied that he had already given his response. 7. (SBU) U,K. Deputy Representative Karen Pierce questioned Russia's political intentions in Georgia, South Ossetia, and Abkhazia, and said the Russian response to Georgia's August 6 military operation in South Ossetia had gone well beyond a proportionate and rational response. She said she doubted Russian claims that its actions were for a humanitarian purpose, and she asked Russia why it would not withdraw. She also asked how Russia expected to resolve the conflict if Russian leaders would not talk to Georgian President Sakaashvilli. 8. (SBU) France called for the immediate cessation of hostilities, respect for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Georgia and a return to the status quo ante. The U.K., Belgium, Italy, and voiced support for the French proposal. 9. (U) Costa Rica, Burkina Faso, Indonesia, Panama all called for a ceasefire. Libya called for an immediate ceasefire and a return to the status quo ante. Vietnam also called for an immediate ceasefire and called for negotiations between Georgia and Russia based on their "mutual interests." 10. (SBU) We are negotiating with France, U.K., Italy, Belgium and Croatia on the text of a draft resolution which we expect to circulate to the full Council as soon as Monday August 11. Khalilzad



C O N F I D E N T I A L STATE 085678 E.O. 12958: DECL: 08/10/2018 TAGS: NATO, PARM, KCFE, RU, GG SUBJECT: ACTION REQUEST: U.S. PROPOSAL FOR STRONG NAC STATEMENT CONDEMINING RUSSIAN ACTIONS IN GEORGIA Text classified by Jennifer Laurendeau, Coordinator, Georgia Task Force. Reasons 1.4 (b) and (d). 1. © Summary and Action Request. As early as possible on Monday, August 11, posts in all NATO capitals should brief host governments at appropriately senior levels to urge support for a strong NAC statement condemning Russian actions in Georgia. In the political committee USNATO should indicate our desire for a formal NATO statement and outline key elements, and work with the NATO International Staff and key allies to promote the following elements for a North Atlantic Council (NAC) statement to be issued Tuesday, August 12, following the G-7 statement on this topic. Posts should indicate that the U.S. believes the NAC-and not merely the Secretary General-should agree Tuesday to a firm Alliance statement addressing the current situation in Georgia and condemning Russia's role. We believe it is important that the NAC itself issue such a statement, not merely the Secretary General. Posts may indicate that we expect the U.S. to be represented at the August 12 NAC meeting by Ambassador Kurt Volker. Points follow at para. 2. End Summary and Action Request. 2. (SBU) Begin points: - As we all know, Russian actions in Georgia have gone beyond any reasonable steps to ensure the safety of civilians and peacekeepers, and escalated to open hostilities with Georgia. - The U.S. believes it is important for Tuesday's NAC discussion of events in Georgia to result in a firm NATO message condemning Russian actions. - We believe the key points for such a message are that: - We regret the loss of life, civilian casualties, and damage to civilian structures that has resulted from this re-emergence of armed conflict on European soil. - The aggressive Russian military action we have witnessed during the past several days is out of proportion with events in South Ossetia. We condemn Russia's ongoing military action and call for an immediate cease-fire. We note that Georgian military forces ceased fire and withdrew from South Ossetia on Sunday. Thus ongoing Russian military action is unjustifiable. - Russian actions are inconsistent with its peacekeeping role under the 1994 Moscow Agreement peacekeeping mandate and with the principles of cooperative security and peaceful resolution of conflicts that are reflected in the NATO-Russia founding act, the Rome NATO-Russia Council Summit statement, and the OSCE Charter for European Security. - Russia must now be considered a party to the conflict and is acting outside of international law. - We reaffirm our support for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Georgia. - We underscore that our governments will work together to ensure that Georgia has all the assistance it needs to meet immediate humanitarian needs and, over the longer term, to rebuild its country and repair the damage done by this assault. - We demand an end to hostilities and the full, immediate withdrawal of all Russian military personnel from Georgian territory. - We demand an end to military actions in and around Abkhazia. - We urge immediate negotiations to put in place a lasting ceasefire and to renew efforts to achieve a political solution to the conflict that respects Georgia's territorial integrity. - We request the Secretary General to remain in direct contact with Russian and Georgian authorities. 3. (SBU) Department thanks Posts for their quick action. RICE




C O N F I D E N T I A L BEIJING 003080 SIPDIS E.O. 12958: DECL: 08/11/2028 TAGS: PREL, PGOV, MOPS, MARR, RS, GG, CH, UNSC SUBJECT: CHINESE POSITION ON THE CONFLICT IN SOUTH OSSETIA REF: USUN NEW YORK 720 AND 721 Classified By: Political Minister Counselor Aubrey Carlson. Reasons 1. 4 (b/d). 1. © Chinese MFA International Organizations and Conferences Department UN Affairs Division Deputy Director Sun Xiaobo told PolOff August 11 that China is concerned about the military conflict in South Ossetia and appeals to both parties to show restraint and start negotiations. He said China had expressed this position during August 8-10 open and closed meetings of the UN Security Council (reftels). Asked about Russia's military action and response to Georgia's offer of a cease-fire, Sun said that it is important for both parties to de-escalate the violence and reach a settlement. Sun's comments mirrored those of MFA Spokesperson Qin Gang, who said in a statement posted on the MFA website on August 10 that "China calls upon relevant parties to keep restraint and cease fire immediately. We sincerely hope relevant parties resolve their disputes peacefully through dialogue, so as to safeguard regional peace and stability." RANDT



C O N F I D E N T I A L SECTION 01 OF 02 TBILISI 001355 SIPDIS DEPT FOR EUR/CARC E.O. 12958: DECL: 08/10/2018 TAGS: PGOV, PREL, RU, GG SUBJECT: GEORGIA: SOUTH OSSETIA, SITREP 6 Classified By: AMBASSADOR JOHN F. TEFFT FOR REASONS 1.4 (B) AND (D) 1. © Summary and Comment: French FM Kouchner and Finnish FM Stubbs met with President Saakashvili August 11 in Tbilisi to discuss a cease-fire package, with the goal of presenting it to Russian officials in Moscow later the same day. Swedish FM Carl Bildt and EUR DAS Bryza are both expected to arrive in Tbilisi August 11. MOD officials who briefed the diplomatic corps on August 11 on myriad locations which were bombed during the last 24 hours. They relayed that President Saakashvili last evening had announced that Georgia had agreed to sign a non-use of force agreement. UNOMIG observers report that regular Russian army units are now on the ground in Zugdidi and have surrounded the police station, demanding that Georgian police give up their weapons. The Armenian Ambassador has urged Georgian officials to widely publicize that the Russian Air sorties striking inside Georgia have not emanated from Russian air bases in Armenia. August 10 visits revealed that two Tbilisi hospitals are seeing about 400 casualties each, their patients a combination of special forces, regular units and civilians. Gosselin Caucasus and Central Asia, a shipping company, announced that all port operations are canceled in Georgia. IDPs who have been displaced from Gori have shown up at U.S. Embassy housing in Didi Dighomi asking for assistance and waiting on the porches asking for entry. Tbilisi police succeeded in getting the IDP's to depart and are now guarding the properties. The Embassy's second convoy of Embassy dependents and more than 100 private Amcits departed Tbilisi for Yerevan at 1330 local time. 2. © Comment: It is increasingly difficult to get an accurate analysis of the military situation because of the fog of war and the fact that the Georgian command and control system has broken down. Senior government officials sometimes give us different reports of military action. End Summary and Comment. Russian Regular in Zugdidi --------------------------- 3. © On August 11 Georgian Ministry of Defense officials briefed the diplomatic community at the Marriott Hotel. They chose the hotel as the venue as they were concerned for the safety of those attending. Spokesmen announced that on August 10 President Saakashvili had agreed to Russian demands to sign a non-use of force agreement against South Ossetia. Georgian forces have withdrawn from the Conflict Zone to Gori. It appears that there currently are no Russian forces in the city, but the Deputy CHOD (and press reports) indicate that Russian forces have come across the line from South Ossetia. MOD Spokesmen said that Russian Regular army units have arrived in Zugdidi, surrounded the police station, and are demanding that Georgian police hand over all weapons. Minister for Reintegration Yakobashvili reported the same to the Ambassador. UNOMIG observers confirmed that they saw first hand two companies of Russian Regular ground forces in Zugdidi which had joined Russian PKF troops. Unconfirmed reports suggest that a battalion of Russian reinforcements may be en route or already at Urta. UNOMIG representatives told Poloff that the Russian sources had brushed aside their observers. Latest Targets -------------- 4. © MOD spokesmen relayed that the following locations/targets had been struck in the last 24 hour period and said 30-50 Russian aircraft had violated Georgian airspace: - Batumi - Khelvachauri - Senaki runway--now totally destroyed - Kodori (although Georgians still control this) - Shiraki airdrome (Kakheti region) - Special Forces at Vashli Gvari - Stepantsminda - Areas which border Azerbaijan and Armenia - Tbilisi Civilian Radio Tower and localizer (the backup is now operative) - Georgian Air Operations Center (Makhata Mountain) which records civil flights for the Tbilisi International Airport. (Embassy Note: The system is still partially operative, which means that flights can still arrive at the airport, but may limit the number of flights able to arrive at one time. Many in the Embassy community and Tbilisi clearly heard this explosion at approximately 0440 Tbilisi time. End note.) Armenia: RF Jets Not from Armenian Bases ---------------------------------------- TBILISI 00001355 002 OF 002 5. © The Armenian Ambassador to Georgia asked the MoD to distribute widely the fact that Russian Aircraft that have been striking inside Georgia are not flying out of Russian bases in Armenia. He also asked about the 21st provision in the Georgian Constitution which prohibits the Georgians from transiting Azeri/Armenian border with military hardware/equipment had been amended in light of the current situation. MoD spokesmen said that no amendments or decrees to this affect have been made. OSCE Update ----------- 6. © OSCE military representative Steve Young told us that he was on the ground August 10 in the Zone of Conflict. He reports that the majority of Georgian forces are south of Megrakisi and Variani but there are still pockets in Avnevi which are operating against the "Road of Life" which has served at the link between South Ossetia and Russia. The Road of Life is west of Tskhinvali. Young also told us that Gori and villages north of Gori have been partially evacuated. Casualties ---------- 7. © Post Medical Officer visited Republican Hospital and Gudushauri Medical Centers in Tbilisi on August 10. Both reported receiving about 400 casualties each with only one death reported at Gudushauri. The vast majority of the wounded re regular, spcial forces, and internal ministry troops/personnel, although approximately 40 reservists were seen at Gudushauri. Most wounds are extremity injuries with a significant number of amputations as a result. Both hospitals reported having enough medical supplies on hand, although Republican Hospital reported needing extra beds earlier in the day, but by the afternoon had managed to find some. Both emergency rooms seemed to be flowing well and not chaotic. Scores of people were waiting outside Republican Hospital. The Director of the Gudusharuri hospital reported that the military hospital was operational. The Minister of Health on the same date briefed that the death toll has reached 92, and the number of heavily wounded is growing. Ordinary Citizens Request Help ------------------------------ 8. © On August 10 at 1830, six Georgian citizens led by Shalva Niniadze, no party affiliation, from Tbilisi gathered outside the embassy asking U.S. assistance to help protect the independence of Georgia, and military assistance to protect private citizens against Russian aggression. Port Blockade ------------- 9. © John Braeckeveldt, Coordinator, Gosselin Caucasus and Central Asia, notified all Embassies on August 11 that currently all the port operations are canceled in Georgia which makes it very difficult to ship out and import. (Comment: If the port stays closed for an extended period, this could affect Embassy operations. End Comment.) TEFFT



C O N F I D E N T I A L SECTION 01 OF 02 YEREVAN 000639 SIPDIS E.O. 12958: DECL: 08/10/2018 TAGS: PREL, MOPS, ENRG, EAIR, ELTN, ECON, EAGR, EWWT, PBTS, GG, RU, AM SUBJECT: ARMENIA: FUEL, FOOD SHORTAGES PREDICTED DUE TO GEORGIA-RUSSIA CONFLICT; MFA ASKS OUR HELP Classified By: CDA Joseph Pennington, reasons 1.4 (b,d) 1. © AN URGENT CALL FOR HELP: Deputy Foreign Minister Gharibjanian -- acting on behalf of the vacationing foreign minister -- urgently called in Charge d'Affaires first thing the morning of August 11 to solicit assitance in freeing cargo shipments which he said Georgian authorities were holding up. He said that some 30 railroad cars of grain, diesel fuel, and kerosene (jet fuel), were being held up by Georgian officials at the Georgian-Armenian border crossing point of Sadakhlo-Bagratashen, and an unspecified volume of cargo was likewise being held up at or near the port of Poti. The implication was that Georgian authorities were at least considering commandeering these kinds of critical staple goods for Georgian national needs during the crisis. Gharabjanian asked for U.S. help in persuading Georgian authorities to allow Armenian-bound shipments to pass freely onward to Armenia. 2. © FUEL AND FOOD SHORTAGES FEARED: Armenian authorities are quite concerned about meeting their own critical food and fuel needs in the event of a protracted crisis in Georgia, given that a majority of Armenia's food and fuel consumption is imported via Georgia. Gharibjanian noted that Armenia could face serious shortages, especially in diesel fuel, jet fuel, natural gas, grain, and sugar. He noted that natural gas imports via the Russia-Georgia-Armenia natural gas pipeline have already been interrupted (see paragraph 4), and Armenia is functioning off of its stored natural gas reserves. (NOTE: Post has learned from prior natural gas supply scares that Armenia's reserve storage capacity contains sufficient gas to supply Armenia's normal consumption for anywhere from three to six weeks, depending on season. Post is checking with local experts to obtain updated estimates, based on how close to capacity the Armenian reserves were when the current crisis started and current consumption estimates. END NOTE) 3. © JET FUEL ALREADY SHORT: CDA spoke on Saturday, August 9, with Mikhail Baghdassarov, the Armenian oligarch who owns the national airline and also holds a monopoly on Armenia's jet fuel imports. Baghdassarov said that five days previously, his jet fuel suppliers in Poti and Batumi abruptly announced a more than threefold price increase. Baghdassarov had delayed jet fuel purchases since, while trying to negotiate a more favorable price. Thus, Armenia's aviation fuel stocks were already low before the current crisis. Baghdassarov estimated that as of the August 9 conversation, Armenia had approximately six days worth of jet fuel on hand in the country. Post is following up to seek more detailed and updated information on jet fuel availability and price. Armenia's civil aviation director, Artyom Movsesian, was slightly more sanguine about jet fuel availability, but declined to estimate the amount of fuel stocks on hand and also asked USG help in persuading Georgian officials to let jet fuel shipments through. He hypothesized that if fuel supplies become short, the GOAM may start blocking flights/passengers diverted from Georgia, since the recent uptick in Georgia transit passengers had become a big part of current fuel demand. Movsesian was reached on vacation, and may be less up to date about the true state of jet fuel stocks than Baghdasarov. 4. © ENERGY DILEMMA: Post obtained an update on the implications of the natural gas shortage on Armenia's energy situation. Our expert said that in fact the Russia-Georgia-Armenia gas pipeline has not be shut off altogether, but the volume of gas being shipped has been cut in half, from roughly 6 million cubic meters of gas per day to about 3 mln c.m. It was not immediately clear whether the reduced volume is a result of Russia shipping less, or of Georgia taking up a greater share upstream from Armenia. In response to this supply reduction, Armenia will shut down one of its two natural gas-fired power generation units at the Hrazdan Thermal Power Plant, and will cut off deliveries of electricity exports south to Iran. (NOTE: Under Armenia's seasonal power swap arrangement with Iran, Armenia exports power south in the summer, and receives electricity from Iran in winter, when Armenian consumption is high and hydropower generation is low. Every watt that Armenia fails to export YEREVAN 00000639 002 OF 002 south in the summer is another watt that Iran will not send back north come winter, so Armenia will quickly start piling up an energy deficit for the wintertime. With rising natural gas prices and December 31 expiration of Armenia's concessionary gas contract with Russia's GasProm, an energy price/availability crisis this coming winter was already a serious concern. END NOTE) The Iran-Armenian natural gas pipeline remains incomplete, and its completion date continues to slip. The official estimate now is that it should be completely by April/May 2009, but our very well-informed local energy analyst believes this to be extremely optimistic. The more southerly portion of the pipeline could be operational by the end of 2008, but would be capable of delivering up to 1 million c.m./day only as far north as the southern Armenian town of Kajaran for local consumption in the southern Syunik region of Armenia. This would ease Armenia's shortages somewhat, but far from eliminate the need for Russian gas via Georgia. PENNINGTON



C O N F I D E N T I A L BUDAPEST 000807 SIPDIS DEPARTMENT FOR GEORGIA TASK FORCE AND EUR/CE-JAMIE LAMORE E.O. 12958: DECL: 08/11/2018 TAGS: KCFE, NATO, PARM, RU, GG, HU SUBJECT: DEMARCHE DELIVERED: U.S. PROPOSAL FOR STRONG NAC STATEMENT CONDEMNING RUSSIAN ACTIONS IN GEORGIA REF: SECSTATE 85678 Classified By: PolOff Ryan C. Leong, reasons 1.4(b) and (d). 1. © Ref talking points were delivered on August 11 to Vilmos Hamikus, Acting State Secretary for Political Affairs at the GoH Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Hamikus agreed with the main principals of the talking points, namely the need for a cease fire and cessation of hostilities, however he also noted to Charge and PolOff that a strongly worded response from the EU was unlikely. Hamikus said it was important that any NATO and EU statements be as similar as possible, since Russia would be watching very carefully for gaps between the two for future exploitation. Hungary is in the process of formulating its position for the NAC meeting on August 12 and the EU GAERC meeting on August 13. The GAERC may be attended by GoH Foreign Minister Kinga Goncz. 2. © Hamikus said that Russia was "smart enough to go far enough," implying that Russia was in the process of creating enough diplomatic and geographic maneuvering space to negotiate an advantageous position in Georgia. He stated that the Russians likely had an easy negotiating path ahead given the military gains made; the Georgians would unfortunately be in a weaker position and probably be forced to make concessions. Hamikus added that it could only boost Russia's overall foreign and security policy that two potential NATO members (Georgia and Ukraine) could end up in this imbroglio, sidetracking their accession aspirations. 3. © Hamikus agreed that the Russian response is entirely out of proportion. Hungary would not object to tough language in either a NAC or GAERC statement. However, Hamikus expected objections to aggressive language against Russia would come from the typical quarters, namely Italy and Germany. He was thankful that the French are currently holding the reins of the EU Presidency as they are "braver" than other EU members. 4. © The GoH has not been contacted by diplomatic missions from Russia or Georgia thus far. Hungary has no official diplomatic representation in Georgia at present, as it was in the process of establishing a mission. Levine



S E C R E T SECTION 01 OF 02 STATE 085725 SIPDIS E.O. 12958: DECL: 08/11/2038 TAGS: AEMR, ASEC, CASC, KFLO, MARR, PREL, PINR, AMGT, GG SUBJECT: TFGG01: GEORGIA TASK FORCE SITUATION REPORT NO. 6 CLASSIFIED BY: DANA MURRAY, SENIOR WATCH OFFICER, S/ES-O, REASON 1.4(D) EXPLOSIONS NEAR TBILISI; AIRPORT REMAINS OPEN --------------------------------------------- 1. (SBU) Media report up to 50 Russian planes attacked Georgia overnight. Embassy Tbilisi confirms two explosions north of the city at a military base and radar installation. A separate unsuccessful attack targeted a BP oil pipeline. (TF/Embassy Tbilisi telcon, Reuters) 2. (SBU) Tbilisi and Batumi airports remain open. EUR DAS Bryza will arrive in Tbilisi via commercial air at 0950 EDT. (TF/Embassy Tbilisi telcon and e-mail) RUSSIANS ENTER RACHA, CLAIM GEORGIANS SHELL TSKHINVALI --------------------------------------------- --------- 3. (S) The Georgian government has firm information that Russian forces are in the region of Racha, west of South Ossetia. Georgian forces have lost command and control capabilities country-wide. (TF/Embassy Tbilisi telcon and e-mail) 4. (SBU) Russian state media report the shelling killed three Russian "peacekeepers" and wounded 18 others. The Georgian government characterizes the reports as provocations by Russia which is seeking a pretext to escalate operations, comments Embassy Tbilisi. (TF/Embassy Tbilisi e-mail, Interfax) 5. (SBU) Russia has not agreed to a Georgian proposal to establish a corridor to Tskhinvali to evacuate wounded civilians. (TF/Embassy Tbilisi telcon) 6. (SBU) Embassy Moscow comments the Russian disinformation campaign continues, with reports of American or NATO soldiers or insignias being found among the dead in South Ossetia and reports of "genocide." (TF/Embassy Moscow telcon) ESCALATION IN ABKHAZIA, POLICE ASKED TO TURN OVER WEAPONS --------------------------------------------- ----------- -- 7. (SBU) Media report Russia massed more than 9,000 troops and 350 armored vehicles in Abkhazia. Embassy Tbilisi reports Georgian forces in Upper Kodori are resisting Russian advances despite heavy bombardment. In nearby Zugdidi, Russian commanders demanded local police turn over their weapons. (TF/Embassy Tbilisi telcon, Reuters) KOUCHNER: SAAKASHVILI DETERMINED TO MAKE PEACE --------------------------------------------- -- STATE 00085725 002 OF 002 8. (SBU) Embassy Tbilisi reports the French FM and Finnish FM Stubb met again with the Georgian president to finalize a cease-fire plan to take to Russia. The two plan to meet FM Lavrov August 11, notes Embassy Moscow. (TF/Embassy Tbilisi telcon, TF/Embassy Moscow telcon, Reuters) 9. (U) Minimize considered. RICE



C O N F I D E N T I A L ANKARA 001423 SIPDIS EUR/SE, EUR/CARC E.O. 12958: DECL: 08/11/2018 TAGS: PREL, PGOV, MARR, GG, TU SUBJECT: TFGG01: TURKEY'S REACTION TO GEORGIA/SOUTH OSSETIA CRISIS Classified By: CDA Doug Silliman, Reasons 1.4 (b,d) GOT Response ------------ 1. (SBU) The MFA has established a crisis desk under the coordination of FM Babacan and U/S Ertugrul Apakan, and chaired by Deputy U/S Unal Cevikoz. According to MFA press statements issued on August 10 (para. 5), FM Babacan spoke twice with Georgian FM Tkesalasvili and once each with Russian FM Lavrov and Secretary Rice on Sunday, August 10. In his conversations, Babacan expressed concern that the clashes in South Ossetia could undermine the stability of the entire South Caucasus region, and underscored the importance of the preservation of Georgia's territorial integrity and political unity. He said events on the ground "posed a serious threat to peace and stability in the South Caucasus and urged that the Georgian and Russian sides engage in direct talks to defuse the crisis. PM Erdogan reportedly spoke with Georgian President Saakashvili on Friday, August 8, and attempted to call Russian PM Putin on the same day without success. The Turkish press reported that Putin did not return his call. 2. © Charge called on Apakan August 9. Apakan said that Turkey wants to see the Georgia crisis solved through negotiations &on the basis of Georgia,s sovereignty,8 and that Turkey was undertaking contacts with both Russia and Georgia to encourage both sides to disengage and begin talks. If diplomatic efforts do not resolve the conflict within a few days, he suggested that the international community should take the dispute to the UN and "use international legitimacy against the Russians" to protect Georgian sovereignty. He preferred to see a strong U.S. - Russia dialogue to resolve the crisis. GOT Evacuation Plans, Direct Flights to Georgia Suspended --------------------------------------------- ------------ 3. © Charge met again with U/S Apakan on August 11 to get an update on the latest situation and to again press Turkey to support specific EUCOM requests (SEPTEL). Apakan confirmed to us that the Turkish Embassy in Tbilisi is making preparations to evacuate approximately 300-400 Turkish citizens eligible for evacuation overland through Azerbaijan. Apakan noted that, due to the deteriorating situation in Gori, the GOT is not planning to use the land routes to western Georgia, which would have permitted Turkish nationals to return directly to Turkey. He also confirmed press reports that Turkish Airlines has canceled its Istanbul-Tbilisi flights indefinitely due to the security situation. Turkish Airlines has also rerouted its Istanbul-Batumi flights, which will now take place between Istanbul and Trabzon, Turkey, with bus transportation connecting Trabzon with Batumi, Georgia. Apakan told CDA that Turkish airlines had been instructed to prepare for an increased flow of travlers on this route, but so far there had been no appreciable rise in border crossings. Border authorities have been instructed to show flexibility when examining incomplete travel documents. Press Reaction -------------- 4. (U) Opinion makers in major Turkish media outlets generally blamed Georgian President Saakashvili's for triggering the conflict by deciding to attack South Ossetia on August 7. Some speculated that Saakashvili was encouraged by the U.S., which subsequently abandoned Georgia. Others went as far as accusing the U.S. of using Georgia as an instrument for "cornering Russia" and trying to expand its influence in the Caucasus. Most highlighted the threat Russia's military actions pose to regional stability, expressing concern that Azerbaijan may find itself the next target of Russian ambition and that Turkey may soon face Russia as a neighbor "either directly or indirectly." Opposition-leaning papers also noted how the GOT leadership remained on "vacation mode" despite the crisis, with PM Erdogan continuing his vacation in the seaside resort of Bodrum, President Gul being seen on a yacht, and FM Babacan in Italy. 5. (U) The following are the unofficial English translations of the two MFA statements released on August 10 concerning the situation in Georgia and South Ossetia: Begin Text of MFA Statements: Statement 144 August 10, 2008 Foreign Minister Ali Babacan held a telephone conversation with Georgian Foreign Minister Eka Tkeshelashvili at 01:30 am local time on 10 August 2008. Mr. Babacan has also held a phone conversation with Russian FM Sergei Lavrov today at 14:30 local time. During the conversations, FM Babacan expressed his concern over the escalation of the conflict in the South Ossetian region of Georgia, and emphasized that the clashed which have already deteriorated the situation on the ground pose a serious threat to the peace and stability in the South Caucasus. Mr. Babacan expressed his regrets about the clashed which caused casualties among civilian population, and confirmed that Turkey is ready to provide humanitarian assistance to those affected by the ongoing armed clashes. Foreign Minister Babacan reminded that Turkey has already called on the parties to cease hostilities, exercise restraint, and engage in direct talks in order to reach a lasting solution to the conflict. In this context, Mr. Babacan has underlined the importance of the preservation of territorial integrity and political unity of Georgia. During the telephone conversation with Russian FM Lavrov, Minister Babacan has also raised the issue of four Turkish journalists in South Ossetia, one of whom is wounded. Minister Lavrov has expressed his readiness to provide assistance in this matter. Minister Babacan has agreed to remain to be in close contact concerning the developments with both Ministers. Statement 145 August 10, 2008 Foreign Minister Ali Babacan has held a second telephone conversation with Georgian FM Eka Tkeshelashvili this afternoon. Minister Babacan has also held a telephone conversation with US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice. Armed clash in neighboring Georgia has a tendency to endanger stability in the Caucasus. Minister Babacan is in close contact with all the actors involved in the conflict and will continue to do so in the coming days. End Text of MFA Statements Visit Ankara's Classified Web Site at http://www.intelink.sgov.gov/wiki/Portal:Turk ey SILLIMAN



C O N F I D E N T I A L COPENHAGEN 000427 SIPDIS E.O. 12958: DECL: 08/11/2018 TAGS: PREL, MARR, NATO, EUN, RU, GG, DA SUBJECT: TFGG01: DANES SUPPORT NAC STATEMENT ON GEORGIA REF: STATE 85678 Classified By: Pol/Econ Counselor Bill Mozdzierz, reasons 1.4b,d 1. © Echoing strong statements from Danish Prime Minister Anders Fogh Rasmussen and FM Per Stig Moeller over the weekend, MFA Head of Department for Eastern Europe Ruben Madsen and acting Head of Security Policy Soren Rinder indicated Danish support for a NAC statement on Russian actions in Georgia. PM Rasmussen condemned the Russian military action August 9 as "unjustified," and an "unacceptable" violation of Georgian territory. 2. © Denmark regards Russian actions and motives in the conflict with deep suspicion, Madsen and Rinder suggested, but the Danish government remains concerned -- as always -- about maintaining unity within the Alliance and the EU. The Danes are prepared to press for a tough line with Moscow in the meetings ahead, including the August 12 NAC and a special GAERC meeting of EU foreign ministers the following day (which Per Stig Moeller will attend). 3. © The Secretary's August 8 conversation with Moeller was helpful in comparing notes, Rinder observed, even though Moeller's subsequent telephone exchange with the Abkhazian leader apparently did little to dissuade the Abkhazians from joining the conflict. MOZDZIERZ




ძალიან დიდი დოკუმენტია დანარჩენი თვითონ ნახეთ

ჯერ არც წამიკითხავს



იქვე წერია უფრო დაწვრილებით ინგლისურად

ეხლა ვკითხულობ

სოციალურ ქსელებში გაზიარება

სუ სიაფანდია ეგ ყველაფერი. მე მგონია, რომ სადღაც გაჟონა მართლაც და სერიუზულმა ინფორმაციამ, და ამიტომ საჭიროა ეს ყველაფერი აიყვანონ აბსურდამდე. ებრაელებს მეტის ტვინი არასოდესარ ქონიათ, თუმცა, ხალხი კი ჭამს. არცერთი ირანელი არ დაიჯერებს (მაგალითისთვის), მარა აი "მოაზროვნე" დასავლეთი და ნუ ამერიკელი ზომბები ხო იასნია ყველაფერს დაიჯერებენ. მანდ იმდენი ტყუილი იქნება, რომელიც ფაქტებით დადასტურდება რომ ტყუილია, რომ მთელი ეგ ინფორმაცია დისკრედიტირდება და ვსიო, ის ნამდვილიც რომელია, ვეღარავინ გაიგებს. მარტივია
სოციალურ ქსელებში გაზიარება


კიდევ კარგი დააკოპირე, ეგ ინგლისური ვარიანტი იქ უკვე გამქრალია,

თუ გუმანი არ მატყუებს, დაიხაკა :D

Edited by Marta1
სოციალურ ქსელებში გაზიარება

კიდევ კარგი დააკოპირე, ეგ ინგლისური ვარიანტი იქ უკვე გამქრალია



აქედანაც გადააკოპირეთ,თორემ დეპრესას და ლაშას საფრთხე ექმნებათ. :givi:

სოციალურ ქსელებში გაზიარება


აქედანაც გადააკოპირეთ,თორემ დეპრესას და ლაშას საფრთხე ექმნებათ. :givi:

გეზე არის უკვე :givi:


ჩვენთვისაც გადავაკოპიროთ, რა იცი რა ხდება

Edited by Marta1
სოციალურ ქსელებში გაზიარება

შევინახე ეს ტექსტი და როცა დრო და სურვილი მექნება მერე წავიკითხავ.
სოციალურ ქსელებში გაზიარება

შეუერთდი განხილვას

თქვენ შეგიძლიათ შექმნათ პოსტი ახლა და დარეგისტრირდეთ მოგვიანებით. თუ თქვენ გაქვთ ანგარიში, გაიარეთ ავტორიზაცია რათა დაპოსტოთ თქვენი ანგარიშით.

ამ თემაში პასუხის გაცემა

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