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When it comes to finding free icons to use on your next project, the digital world is your oyster. There are quite literally 1000′s of freebies from talented designers floating around the web available for download. When it comes to finding free icons to use on your next commercial project with no attribution however, the options get a bit limited.




After recently working on a project which required a number of custom-made icons, I’ve decided to do a bit of sharing! While originally the icon set consisted of around 10 icons, I decided to extend the range, add additional styles (rounded and circular) and release them freely for you to use where you want, how you want, whenever you want with no restrictions – not even a link back, well, only if you want to!



Download Buddycons from Webdesigner Depot


Scalable Vectors? Yep! (and some .pngs)

http://www.ormanclark.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2010/08/icon.jpgAll 126 icons have been carefully created in illustrator meaning the icons can be efficiently resized to suit your needs. Yes, the original .ai file is included in the download! In order to be able to edit the raw files you will need a vector based editing program such as illustrator.


For those that don’t have access to such a program, I have provided the icons in 32x32px .png format.


Ok, enough chat, what do they look like?





Icons Included

Icons are included for: Twitter, Facebook, Lastfm, RSS, MSN, Windows, Virb, Viddler, YouTube, Flickr, Digg, Linkedin, Xing, Email, Yahoo, Yahoo Buzz, Myspace, Delicious, Google, Skype, Google Talk, Google Buzz, Design Bump, Designmoo, WordPress, Bebo, AIM, AIM(alt), Qik, Slashdot, Mobile Me, Mixx, FriendFeed, deviantART, Design Float, Cargo, Ember, Github, Yelp, Tumblr, Livejournal, Google Maps, Dopplr, Evernote, Reddit, Newsvine, Netvibes, Blogger, Behance, Pandora, Orkut, Brightkite, Apple, Technorati, Stumbleupon, Sharethis, PayPal, Picasa, Posterous, Addthis, Squidoo, Vimeo, Dribbble – Phew!



In The Box

The download contains:


  1. 32x32px .png circular icons
  2. 32x32px .png rounded icons
  3. original artwork (.ai format)


You pretty much have free reign. Feel free to use the icons for both personal and commercial projects without attribution. You are free to modify them as you wish to suit your needs. While I do not ask for a mandatory link back to this page it would be greatly appreciated if you could include one, perhaps just a quick mention. Thanks!


Enough ramble, enjoy the icons!



Download Buddycons from Webdesigner Depot




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